Service Communication/Physical Evidence
by Daniel Velazquez
1. Service communication process
1.1. Select target markets
1.2. Establishing communication objectives
1.3. Set communication budget
1.4. Positioning strategy
1.5. Message and strategy
1.6. Monitoring and evaluating
2. Developing service communication
2.1. Develop word to mouth
2.2. Promise what's possible
2.3. Tangilize the intangible
2.4. Relationship between customer and provider
2.5. Reduce consumer fears
2.6. Relevant service quality dimensions
2.7. Service delivery products
2.8. Service easily understood
3. Role of physical evidence
3.1. Packaging
3.2. Facilitating flow of service
3.3. Relationship making: customers and employees
3.4. Differentiating the firm
4. Servicescapes
4.1. Location
4.2. Layout
4.3. Product design
4.4. Process design
5. Challenges w/Service communication
5.1. Mistargeted communication
5.2. Managing expectations
5.3. Operation conflicts
6. Strategies for service providers
6.1. Third party accountability
6.2. Client uncertainty
6.3. Experience is essential
6.4. Limited differentiability
6.5. Maintaining Quality control
6.6. Turning does into sellers
7. The SOR Model
7.1. Set of stimuli
7.2. Organism component
7.3. Set of responses
8. Sight appeals
8.1. Size
8.2. Shape
8.3. Color
8.4. Location
8.5. Architecture
8.6. Signage
8.7. Announcements
9. Sound appeals
9.1. Music
9.2. Sound avoidance