Lesson Planning

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Lesson Planning by Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Video Lesson

1.1. Objectives

1.1.1. From ICT Continuum Cognitive Objectives G-2.3: categorizes information using the ICT suitable for the purpose Pr-3.3: designs and creates simulations and models using ICT applications Affective Objectives S-2.3: analyzes advantages and disadvantages of ICT use in society M-2.2: perseveres in working through complex ICT problems using higher-level thinking skills

1.1.2. From Manitoba Curriculum GLOs The media do not provide neutral reflections of reality; they affect our decisions and actions. SLOs How does media influence, a ffect, and control us? How has this influence changed through time? Do media create or reflect our world? How free is the press? What is the relationship between media control, power, and profit? Wha t is the impact of new and alternative media? How does media literacy help us to become critical thinkers and responsible ci tizens?

1.2. Prerequisites

1.2.1. Review Students will already have a good understanding of the possible online videocasting applications (Screencastify, Jing, & Screencast-O-Matic). Students will also have background knowledge on the biases that are prevalent in our everyday media outlets. They will know to further research any claims that they see on either Social Media or news outlets before coming to a conclusion on the issue.

1.2.2. Goals Students will demonstrate their mastery of online videocasting applications (Screencastify, Jing, & Screencast-O-Matic). Students will find a media story (either on social media, or through a news outlet). They will present the story as they have found it. Students will then be tasked with researching the issue and finding out all sides to the story/issue. Finally, through video, the students will present what they have found with regards to the story and present their opinion with supporting facts.

1.2.3. Set Context This is meant to be an Inquiry based assignment, looking at the prevailing biases in news stories. The assignment is part of the Grade 12 Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability coures.

1.3. Notes

1.3.1. Lesson Title Video Lesson - News/Media Bias

1.3.2. Goals of Lesson Students will find a media story (either on social media, or through a news outlet). They will present the story as they have found it. Students will then be tasked with researching the issue and finding out all sides to the story/issue. Finally, through video, the students will present what they have found with regards to the story and present their opinion with supporting facts.

1.3.3. Objectives My objectives for the lesson have been listed above, under the objectives header (they include the objectives from the ICT Continuum and the Manitoba Curriculum.

1.3.4. Reasoning This lesson has been established with a video component as I believe that it is the best, and most meaningful, method to approach the issue of media/news biases. Presenting the information in a video format will allow the students to display the original article that they investigated. It will also allow students to demonstrate in which way the article is biased, while simultaneously allow the students to publish their video (allowing the world to see their work).

1.3.5. Context This is meant to be an Inquiry based assignment, looking at the prevailing biases in news stories. The assignment is part of the Grade 12 Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability coures.

1.3.6. Method of Evaluation This assignment will be assessed summatively. It will be used to assess students abilities at utilizing online videocasting applications, as well as students abilities to recognize news/media biases and research the issue to find the unbiased facts.

1.3.7. Method of Instruction This is an Inquiry based assignment. The teacher will facilitate the students leaening experience (ensuring they know how to use the online videocasting applications, as well as the requirements for the project), however it will be the students role to find a article of interest and conduct the research.

1.4. Resources

1.4.1. Materials Students require access to a computer with internet access. Students need access to an online videocasting application such as: Screencastify, Jing, or Screencast-O-Matic.

1.4.2. People This lesson requires Teacher guided instruction, the students, and some form of news platform (social media, or a news outlet).

1.4.3. Facilities Either the schools computer lab, or students own personal devices.

2. Podcast Lesson

2.1. Objectives

2.1.1. From ICT Continuum Cognitive Objectives Pr-3.2: self-assesses ICT representations to go beyond established criteria by enhancing meaning and/or artistry, according to topic, audience, purpose, and occasion R-3.1: self-monitors learning goals, reflects on the value of ICT to complete learning tasks, and sets personal goals for using ICT to learn Affective Objectives E-3.2: weighs personal benefits and risks of using ICT E-2.4: applies guidelines for ethical and responsible use of ICT

2.1.2. From Manitoba Curriculum GLOs Oral Communication SLOs Even though their speech may contain some pauses, reformulations, and selfcorrections as they search for necessary language to express themselves, students speak French more independently. use the pronunciation, the rhythm, the intonation, and the sentence structure of the French language to communicate effectively.

2.2. Prerequisites

2.2.1. Review We will be reviewing students capabilities/capabilities with online oral recording applications (Audacity & SoundCloud). We will be reviewing and assessing students abilities to speak French orally, by reading a teacher provided excerpt.

2.2.2. Goals - Students will demonstrate their understanding/knowledge of online voice recording applications (Audacity & SoundCloud). - Students will demonstrate their French comprehension skills and Oral communication abilities by reading a teacher selected excerpt.

2.2.3. Set Context This lesson will take place routinely throughout the semester (with different, more difficult excerpts). The purpose of doing this lesson as a podcast is to allow students complete the task at home, in order to maximize class time. Oral comprehension is the biggest component of the French curriculum, and is quite difficult to assess in a classroom setting. Rather than removing students one by one in the class, and wasting valuable time to assess individually, allowing the students to do the work at home will allow for class to be used for instruction.

2.3. Notes

2.3.1. Lesson Title Podcast Lesson - French Oral Comprehension, Reading an excerpt

2.3.2. Goals of Lesson Students will demonstrate their understanding/knowledge of online voice recording applications (Audacity & SoundCloud). Students will demonstrate their French comprehension skills and Oral communication abilities by reading a teacher selected excerpt.

2.3.3. Objectives My objectives for the lesson have been listed above, under the objectives header (they include the objectives from the ICT Continuum and the Manitoba Curriculum.

2.3.4. Reasoning Oral comprehension is the biggest component of the French curriculum, and is quite difficult to assess in a classroom setting. Rather than removing students one by one in the class, and wasting valuable time to assess individually, allowing the students to do the work at home will allow for class to be used for instruction.

2.3.5. Context This lesson will be taking place periodically throughout the semester. It will be used to mark students French Oral communication skills.

2.3.6. Method of Evaluation This lesson will be evaluated summatively by the Teacher. It will be marked using a rubric that analyses students grammar, pronunciation, and rhythm, and intonation.

2.3.7. Method of Instruction I will be providing the students with an example of each reading, however this is mainly a form of assessment and does not require instruction.

2.4. Resources

2.4.1. Materials Students require access to a computer with internet access and a microphone. Students need access to either Audacity or SoundCloud applications.

2.4.2. People This lesson only requires the teacher and the students.

2.4.3. Facilities Either the schools computer lab, or students own personal devices.

3. Google Maps Lesson

3.1. Objectives

3.1.1. From ICT Continuum Cognitive Objectives G-2.3: categorizes information using the ICT suitable for the purpose Pr-3.3: designs and creates simulations and models using ICT applications Affective Objectives M-2.2: perseveres in working through complex ICT problems using higher-level thinking skills

3.1.2. From Manitoba Curriculum GLOs 1.2: Why did the French and other Europeans come to North America, and how did they interact with First Peoples? SLOs Nouvelle-France, Acadia, Québec, and francophone communities across Canada have played a role in shaping Canadian history and identity. The relationship between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and non-Aboriginal peoples moved from autonomous co-existence to colonialism to the present stage of renegotiation and renewal. The relationship between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and non-Aboriginal peoples moved from autonomous co-existence to colonialism to the present stage of renegotiation and renewal. Canada continues to be influenced by issues of war and peace, international relations, and global interactions.

3.2. Prerequisites

3.2.1. Review Students will have experience with, and an understanding of, the Google Maps application. This assignment will be meant to show students the paths that the early fur traders took across Canada, furthering their understanding of the concept while testing their knowledge of Google Maps.

3.2.2. Goals -Students will demonstrate their knowledge/capabilities with Google Maps - Students will be able to map/plot the fur trading routes of Canada's most prominent explorers

3.2.3. Set Context This lesson will take place during the first unit of cluster 2 (Grade 11 Canadian History, First People and Nouvelle-France). The purpose is to solidify students understanding of the routes that the early fur traders took to traverse Canada.

3.3. Notes

3.3.1. Lesson Title Google Maps - Early Fur Traders routes across Canada

3.3.2. Goals of Lesson Students will demonstrate their understanding of Google Maps. Students will be able to map the routes that early fur traders took across Canada.

3.3.3. Objectives My objectives for the lesson have been listed above, under the objectives header (they include the objectives from the ICT Continuum and the Manitoba Curriculum.

3.3.4. Reasoning I have chose to use the Google Maps application for this lesson as a believe that it will significantly help students understanding of the concept to physically plot out explorers paths and visually see the land they traversed.

3.3.5. Context This lesson will take place during Cluster 1 of the Grade 11 Canadian History class, First People and Nouvelle-France.

3.3.6. Method of Evaluation This assignment will be evaluated summatively, based on teacher generated rubric. The rubric will grade students on their understanding of Google Maps, research abilities, and understanding of early explorers voyages across Canada.

3.3.7. Method of Instruction I will be providing students will the necessary resources to be able to plot the early explorers/fur traders trips across Canada. I will also be providing my students will a base model of Google Maps from which they will be constructing their assignments.

3.4. Resources

3.4.1. Materials Access to a computer with internet access Google Maps Shaping Canada (Grade 11 Canadian History Textbook)

3.4.2. People Only the teacher and the students are required to complete this assignment.

3.4.3. Facilities Either the schools computer lab, or students own personal devices.

4. Collaborative Documents Lesson

4.1. Objectives

4.1.1. From ICT Continuum Cognitive Objectives P-3.1: evaluates original inquiry questions and creates new questions for future inquiry C-3.1: adjusts communication based on self-evaluation and feedback from a global audience Affective Objectives Co-2.1: collaborates with peers to accomplish self-directed learning with ICT in various settings Co-3.2: weighs benefits and challenges of collaborating on learning with ICT

4.1.2. From Manitoba Curriculum GLOs 11.2.2: How did the fur trade, European settlement, and the rise of the Métis nation transform life for the peoples of the Northwest? SLOs First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples have a long history in North America and their diverse and complex cultures continue to adapt to changing conditions. The relationship between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and non-Aboriginal peoples moved from autonomous co-existence to colonialism to the present stage of renegotiation and renewal. Canada’s history is shaped by economic factors such as natural resources, agricultural and industrial development, the environment, technology, and global economic interdependence.

4.2. Prerequisites

4.2.1. Review For this assignment the students will already have a good understanding of how to use Google Docs. This assignment will take place during the 2nd Cluster of the Grade 11 Canadian History course, British North America (1763-1867). Students will already know that Canada is made up of diverse groups during this time (British subjects, French fur traders, and the indigenous population), each with their own culture.

4.2.2. Goals - Students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding of Google Documents. - Students will demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively. - Students will research what life is like for one of the groups living in Canada from 1763-1867 and describe what their life is like (including how it is constantly changing).

4.2.3. Set Context This lesson will take place during the 2nd Cluster of Grade 11 Canadian History, British North America (1763-1867). The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate the wide variety of people/cultures living in Canada during this time period (as well as each groups view on life).

4.3. Notes

4.3.1. Lesson Title Google Documents Collaborative Lesson - Diverse Life in British North America (1763-1867)

4.3.2. Goals of Lesson Students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding of Google Documents. Students will demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively. Students will research what life is like for one of the groups living in Canada from 1763-1867 and describe what their life is like (including how it is constantly changing).

4.3.3. Objectives My objectives for the lesson have been listed above, under the objectives header (they include the objectives from the ICT Continuum and the Manitoba Curriculum.

4.3.4. Reasoning I have chose to do this lesson as a collaboration, using Google Docs, as i believe that it will enhance students understanding of what life was like for everyone living in Canada from 1763-1867, by giving a wide range of views/opinions.

4.3.5. Context This lesson will take place during Cluster 2 of the Grade 11 Canadian History class, British North America (1763-1867).

4.3.6. Method of Evaluation I will be evaluating students summatively on this lesson in a couple of ways. The first assessment will be on the students written work (their research of the given group of people that they will be writing on, the quality of their writing, and the content that they include). The second aspect of this lesson that I will be evaluating will be the students ability to reflect on what other students have wrote (analysing all of the different views on life in British North America from 1763-1867, as well their ability to summarize the information and come to a personal view of life in this time.

4.3.7. Method of Instruction For this assignment I will be giving my students a lot of freedom. I will be providing them with the necessary requirements for both the original research portion as well as their summation of every ones' work/opinions. I will also ensure that students are covering all groups/cultures that were living in Canada from 1763-1867, in order to get the most possible views on life during the time period. Besides these guidelines, students will have the freedom to gather their own resources and create an opinion on life for their group/culture.

4.4. Resources

4.4.1. Materials Students will need access to a computer with internet. Students will need access to Googls Docs.

4.4.2. People The teacher and students are the only required people for this assignment. However, if students woud like to seek out and interview a descendant of their chosen group/culture as a resource that is possible and encouraged.

4.4.3. Facilities Either the schools computer lab, or students own personal devices.