ICS 111 Fall 2015 (9/21/15)

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ICS 111 Fall 2015 (9/21/15) by Mind Map: ICS 111 Fall 2015 (9/21/15)

1. What's the class about?

1.1. Introduction to Computer Science

1.2. Overview of computer science, writing programs with Java, and having FUN doing it.

2. What is programming like?

2.1. http://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/videos/magnified-jerry-gurney-062015/

3. Instructor

3.1. Jason Leigh

3.2. http://jasonleigh.me

4. TAs

4.1. Anupriya Srivastava

4.1.1. [email protected]

4.2. Alyssa Higuchi

4.2.1. [email protected]

4.3. Tetsuya Idota

4.3.1. [email protected]

5. Class Location & Time

5.1. ART 132

5.2. Monday and Wednesday at 1:30-2:45p

5.3. Would moving class to 1:45 or 2:00 impact anyone?

5.4. https://manoa.hawaii.edu/campusmap/uhmmap.pdf

6. Lab Location & Times

6.1. Tuesdays & Thursdays in either POST 318A or 319

6.2. Alyssa Higuchi

6.2.1. Section 2: 9-10:15 @ POST 319

6.2.2. Section 5: 12-1:15 @ POST 319

6.3. Tetsuya Idota

6.3.1. Section 4: 12-1:15 @ POST 318A

6.3.2. Section 6: 6-7:15 @ POST 318A

6.4. Anupriya Srivastava

6.4.1. Section 1: 9-10:15 @ POST 318A

6.4.2. Section 3: 10:30-11:45 @ POST 318A

7. Office Hours & Location

7.1. Jason Leigh

7.1.1. Monday and Wednesday 2:45-3:45p

7.1.2. Keller 102

7.2. Anupriya Srivastava

7.2.1. 12:00-1:00 Thurs

7.2.2. POST 303-4

7.3. Alyssa Higuchi

7.3.1. By Appointment

7.3.2. POST 303-4

7.4. Tetsuya Idota

7.4.1. POST 314

7.4.2. Tue: 4:30-5:30pm & Thu: 2:30-3:30pm

8. Additional Assistance

8.1. ICS Open Labs

8.1.1. POST 318A

8.1.2. Mondays: 3:00pm-9:00pm

8.1.3. Tuesdays-Fridays: 7:30pm-9:00pm

8.2. Learning Emporium

8.2.1. Bilger Addition 209

8.2.2. Mondays: 1:30 - 3:00

8.2.3. Tuesdays: 1:30 – 3:30

8.2.4. Wednesdays: 1:30 – 3:30

8.2.5. Thursdays: 1:30 – 3:30

8.2.6. Fridays: 1:30 – 3:30

9. Textbook

9.1. ICS111 Just Enuf Java - availabe on Laulima under Resources

10. Required Class Materials

10.1. Your own laptop

10.2. EZ Graphics

10.3. Java

10.4. Eclipse

10.5. Audacity

10.6. Gimp

11. Handing In Projects

11.1. Projects will be handed-in by uploading to Laulima under the ASSIGNMENT by the deadline indicated for the assignment.

11.2. Every project will have milestones with due dates for them.

11.3. Late work is accepted up to a week late but a 50% penalty will be imposed.

11.4. To upload your project

11.4.1. Go to your project folder and zip everything up into a single Zip file. Make sure all sound files and images are included as well as a copy of EZ.java and all other java files you wrote.

11.4.2. Turn in this zip file in Laulima under the Assignments folder (the same place where you downloaded the assignment in the first place).

11.4.3. As for the video URL, go to the Resources Folder on Laulima. You will find a subfolder for this project in which you can add your URL.

12. The Labs

12.1. Installing and setting up Java and Eclipse

12.2. Bring your laptop to every class and every lab

12.3. Tues: Graded Lab mini-assignment

12.4. Thurs: Help on projects, then Graded Quiz & review

12.5. Login into your lab account


12.6.1. No food or drink allowed in labs

12.6.2. No unplugging equipment in labs

12.6.3. Anyone caught doing it will be dismissed from lab and given ZERO points for their lab session that day.

13. Lectures

13.1. In general Monday covers new material

13.2. Wednesday reviews new material and reviews progress on class projects

13.2.1. Review

13.2.2. Commenting Code

13.2.3. Tracing Programs

13.3. Hello World

13.3.1. Java compiler

13.3.2. Flow of a program

13.3.3. Main()

13.3.4. Libraries

13.4. Guess a Number Game

13.4.1. Loop

13.4.2. If

13.4.3. Print

13.4.4. Random

13.4.5. Variables

13.5. Move Insect across screen (Bug Run)

13.5.1. Graphics

13.5.2. Variables

13.5.3. Loop

13.6. Move insect on screen based on mouse click. Bug is also object oriented (Bug Run Objectified).

13.6.1. Objects and Defining Classes

13.6.2. Graphics

13.6.3. Mouse interaction

13.7. Bug squish game

13.7.1. More intricate

13.7.2. Objects / Classes

13.7.3. Graphics

13.7.4. Mouse interaction

13.7.5. Arrays

13.7.6. Sound

13.8. Chicken Run

13.8.1. Multiple classes and objects

13.8.2. for loop

13.8.3. Objects / Classes

13.8.4. Graphics

13.8.5. Keyboard interaction

13.8.6. Arrays

13.8.7. Final static int

13.8.8. Sound

13.9. Audacity

13.10. Remote controlled robot bug (RC Bug)

13.10.1. Graphics

13.10.2. Switch statement

13.10.3. String parsing

13.11. Students against nutritious edibles

13.11.1. Arrays

13.11.2. Objects / classes

13.11.3. File I/O

13.12. Mirror Writer

13.12.1. File I/O

13.13. Shuffle a deck of cards

13.13.1. Objects / defining classes

13.13.2. Arrays

13.13.3. Nested for loops

13.14. Rewrite Card shuffle with ArrayList

13.15. Battleship Map Creator

13.15.1. 2D Arrays

13.16. Factorial, Turtle Graphics and Fractals

13.16.1. Graphics

13.16.2. Recursion

13.17. Private. Public, Protected scope

13.18. Inheritance

13.19. Graphics Transformations

13.19.1. Graphics- specifically translateto translateby forward rotateto rotateby turnLeft turnRight

13.19.2. Switch statements

13.19.3. String parsing

13.20. EZ Groups

14. What NOT to do if you miss the first week or so of class

14.1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSNc8F9tqzY

15. Important Dates

15.1. Aug 24 - First day of class

15.2. Sept 7 - Labor Day

15.3. Sept 7 - Project 1 Milestone 1 due

15.4. Sept 14 - Project 1 Milestone 2 due

15.5. Sept 15 - 18 - Jason at AMOS

15.6. Oct 5 - Project 2 Milestone 1 due

15.7. Oct 19 - Project 2 Milestone 2 due

15.8. Nov 2 - Project 2 Milestone 3 due

15.9. Nov 5 - Project 3 Milestone 1 due

15.10. Nov 11 - Veteran's day

15.11. Nov 12 - Project 3 Milestone 2 due

15.12. Nov 16 - 20 - Jason at SC

15.13. Nov 19 - Project 3 Milestone 3 due

15.14. Nov 26 - Thanksgiving

15.15. Dec 3 - Project 3 Milestone 4 due

15.16. Dec 2, 7, 9 - Project 3 presentations

15.17. ??? Dec 7 - 11 - CineGrid???

15.18. Dec 10 - Last day of instruction

15.19. Dec 11 - 12 - Study Days

15.20. Dec 14 - 18 - Final Exam week

15.21. Dec 14 - FINAL EXAM DUE

15.22. Dec 23 - Grades available

16. How to Compute Your Grade

16.1. You will notice the points add up to 110.

16.2. Your grade maxes out at 100 points. The 10 points are free extra credit points that make up for missed quizzes and any other random acts of life.

16.3. On Laulima if you get 100 points it is computed as 90.9% (100/110 = 90.9%) which is considered an A+. See below for full grade scale.

16.4. A+ = 100/110 = 90.9%

16.5. A = 95/110 = 86.4%

16.6. A- = 90/110 = 81.8%

16.7. B+ = 87/110 =79%

16.8. B = 83/110 = 75%

16.9. B- = 80/110 = 72.7%

16.10. C+ = 77/110 = 70%

16.11. C = 73/110 = 66.4%

16.12. C- = 70/110 = 63.6%

16.13. D+ = 67/110 = 60.9%

16.14. D = 63/110 = 57.2%

16.15. D- = 60/110 = 54.5%

16.16. F = Anything below a D-