Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics PART 2

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Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics PART 2 by Mind Map: Time is Running Out:  Ecology or Economics PART 2

1. "Get off the corporations, let them do their thing"

1.1. They meet the demand for goods and services

1.2. Today they are eco-friendly, they limit carbon emissions

1.3. They contribute to economic prosperity

1.4. There is regulatory oversight of carbon emissions

2. Corporations are the key driver of pollution

2.1. There are a lot of high-polluting industries

2.2. A lot of corporations deplete resources of the Earth

2.3. Their only target is to maximize profit

3. The importance of economic progress

3.1. Nations face a lot of challenges, which can be solved by economic progress

3.2. It contributes to further scientific inventions

3.3. It increases standard of living

4. Negative effect of economic progress

4.1. In the name of economic progress we're undermining biosphere that we depend on

4.2. We rely exclusively on our "today's needs", don't take in consideration what will happen with the Earth, with us in the future

4.3. Climate change mitigation can not help us already