Future Goals

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Future Goals by Mind Map: Future Goals

1. 1 year from now

1.1. My personal goal is to get engaged by this time next year and be financially stable enough to afford to take a vacation to Lake Tahoe in the Summer of 2016. In order to achieve these goals I will have to work towards setting money back right now to fund my future goals.

1.2. My health goal is to consistently strive to live a healthy and active lifestyle and be a positive role model for my friends and family. I hope to complete a 5K in May of 2016. In order to achieve this goal I will have to train at least every other day and keep a log of my recorded activities in order to hold myself accountable.

1.3. My professional goal is to be working as an intern at my rotation site in Oklahoma City in order to complete my final year of pharmacy school and ultimately graduate in May 2017. In order to order to achieve this goal I will need to make certain that I take the time to learn as much as I possibly can in order to further my career as a successful pharmacist in the future.

2. 5 years from now

2.1. My personal goal is to be married and have at least one child by October of 2020. I hope to have a house of my own and be living in Colorado with my husband, child and dogs. In order to achieve these goals I will need to make certain that my husband and I are financially stable enough in order to bring a child into this world, as well as up and move to Colorado.

2.2. My health goal is to continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle. I want to continue challenging myself and also complete a half-marathon by the Summer of 2019. In order to achieve this goal I will need to train consistently and always put my best foot forward in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2.3. My professional goal is to be working in a hospital, in Colorado as a clinical specialist in the field of psychiatric medicine by the Fall of 2020. In order to achieve this goal I will need to complete a PGY1 and PGY2 residency at an accredited facility and continue to expand my knowledge of psychiatric medicine.

3. 10 years from now

3.1. My personal goal is to continue to have a healthy and happy marriage and to also have three children by October 2025. I also hope to move closer to home in order to be close to my family by October 2023. In order to achieve this goal my husband and I will need to be financially stable enough to pick up and move from Colorado to the Texas Panhandle.

3.2. My health goal is to exercise daily and try to eat as healthy as possible in order to be able to complete another 5K by October 2021. In order to achieve this goal I will have to try to continue to keep in shape, despite having children and getting to be a part of all of their activities and various functions.

3.3. My professional goal is to move closer to home and either work as a hospital pharmacist or open my own independent pharmacy within or close to my hometown of Perryton, Texas by October 2025. In order to achieve this goal I will have to be opened-minded in deciding what is the best career option for me once I move back to my hometown.