Force and motion

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Force and motion by Mind Map: Force and motion

1. IS a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.

1.1. Forces in Equilibrium

2. Inertia

2.1. the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.

3. Effect of Force

3.1. A force acting on an object may cause the object to change shape, to start moving, to stop moving, to accelerate or decelerate

4. Gravity

5. Definition and Formula

6. Motion is a movement relative to some other object or frame of reference.

7. Motion Graph

8. Study of motion

9. Study of Force

10. Impulse: is the product of force and time.

11. Impulse and impulsive Force

12. Impulsive: It is a force which acts on an object for a very short interval during a collision or explosion.

13. Momentum

13.1. P=mv

13.2. refers to the quantity of motion that an object has.

14. Power

14.1. the rate of doing work or expending energy.

15. Work

15.1. a change in energy via a force.

16. Energy

16.1. the ability to do work

17. Work, Energy and Power

18. Efficiency

18.1. Useful work per quantity of energy