Ball To Success

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Ball To Success by Mind Map: Ball To Success

1. Contact

1.1. For any and all questions and concerns, people visiting the website can click on the Contact tab in order to send an email to our Head Director.

2. Clinics

2.1. The Clinics page provides information on the different basketball clinics offered to students for each particular week.

2.1.1. Infographics: The Clinics page will contain visual respresentations of information in regards to specific clinics.

3. Coaches

3.1. The Coaches page gives names of all of our coaches and their specialties, what age group or position they work with, and a little background information.

4. Tutors

4.1. The Tutors page provides information regarding the types of tutoring services available at Ball To success. The three subjects that we provide tutoring for are math, english, and science.

4.1.1. App Design: The Tutors page will include an app that helps students get in contact with their tutors.

5. About

5.1. The About page includes information on what we do within our organization. It also includes lists of our locations, directors, and recognitions.

5.1.1. QR Code and Canva Design: The About page will also include QR codes.

6. Home

6.1. The Homepage explains what Ball To Success is and gives a brief overview of how the program works. It also provides the motto of the organization "Learning Today, Ballin' Tomorrow."

6.1.1. Video Editing: The Home page will also include a video displaying what the Ball To Success programs have to offer.

7. Registration

7.1. The Registration page provides a contact form used to email the directors of Ball To Success and inform them of a wish to enroll a child in the program.

7.1.1. Google Form: The Registration page will contain a link to a registration form or an on page form.

8. Store

8.1. The Store page has Ball To Success merchandise for students, parents, coaches, etc.