Tate Sports

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Tate Sports by Mind Map: Tate Sports

1. NFL

1.1. This page includes all the important news going on currently in the NFL. Including scores, injury updates, transactions, etc.

2. MLB

2.1. This page includes all the important news going on currently in the MLB. Including scores, injury updates, any transactions, etc.

3. NBA

3.1. This page includes all the important news going on currently in the NBA. Including scores, injury updates, and any transactions.

4. Trending

4.1. This page will include all the trending news topics in the sports world each day. It will include tweets, photos, and any important trending sports news.

4.1.1. Infographic: I will use an info graphic for my trending page. It will include pictures, tweets and other trending sports news and it will all be displayed by using an info graphic.

4.1.2. Animation: I will also create a video talking about all important sports news in the NFL, MLB, and NBA and pick the most popular subjects.

5. Contact

5.1. The contact page allows people to contact me directly and has a simple form to do so.

5.1.1. Google Form: I will use a google form for the contact page so users can fill out the form if they would like to contact me.

5.1.2. QR Codes: I will put the QR Code on my site so that users can be directed to my site through the URL.

6. About

6.1. The About page includes information about my website and about the creator (me). It has a description about what content is displayed on the site and a small biography on the creator.

6.1.1. Canva Design: I can create a business card that includes everything important about my website.

6.1.2. Screencast: I will post a screencast video of all the different parts of my website. A virtual tour of the website.

7. Home

7.1. The home page gives you a brief idea about what the website is about and includes the logo of the website.

7.1.1. Logo: On the home page I have the logo for my website. I used photo editing to make the logo for my website.

7.1.2. App: I can create a mobile app for my sports website so that users can access the content easier on mobile devices such as iPhones.