V.V Ch 3 Lesson 1&3

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V.V Ch 3 Lesson 1&3 by Mind Map: V.V Ch 3 Lesson 1&3

1. This picture represents the water cycle because it is the water cycle.

2. This picture represents evaporation because evaporation happens when a small layer of water goes into the air which is apart of the water cycle.

3. This picture represents transpiration because water comes form the roots of plants turns to water vapor and goes into the atmosphere.

4. This picture represents condensation because condensation is a part of the water cycle.

5. This picture represents molecule because water is made out of molecules.

6. This picture represents compound because water is a compound.

7. This picture represents precipitation because precipitation is a big part of the water cycle.

8. This picture represents hydrocarbons because hydrocarbons are located in sedimentary rock that's at the bottom of the ocean.

9. This picture represents inorganic compounds because water is an inorganic compound.

10. This picture represents organic compounds because organic compounds are in water.