Lesson Planning

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Lesson Planning by Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Map Lesson Plan

1.1. Objectives: ICT Curriculum

1.1.1. Cognitive Domain P-3.2 designs own electronic plans

1.1.2. Affective Domain Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning

1.2. Objectives: Social Studies Curriculum

1.2.1. S-403 Present information and ideas in a variety of formats appropriate for audience and purpose. Examples: models, displays, multimedia presentations, editorials...

1.2.2. S-302 Draw conclusions and make decisions based on research and various types of evidence.

1.2.3. S-200 Select information from a variety of oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources, including primary and secondary.

1.2.4. KI-003 Explain the relationship between place and identity.

1.2.5. VI-002 Appreciate the importance of place to their identity.

1.3. Resources

1.3.1. Access to google maps

1.3.2. A device that has the ability to access the internet.

1.3.3. Research materials, online resources, photos and images from google, etc.

1.4. Prerequisites

1.4.1. Ability to use the program Google Maps.

1.4.2. Ability to research online using google search engine

1.4.3. Ability to access internet and sign in to school computer or online accounts.

1.4.4. Knowledge of which cultures they will represent on the map outline that they will create.

1.5. Notes

1.5.1. This lesson will show students an exemplar of a 'map tour' that highlights three specific cultures from three different continents that are of personal interest to the student. This lesson would be used in tandem with other lessons, resulting in the creation of a larger research project that analyzes the diversity of cultures from around the world.

1.6. Process

1.6.1. Activate Students will log on to the internet and view the map created by the teacher, which will show them three cultural groups, their locations, and a picture or video that describes an important aspect of the culture (traditional dress, ceremony, spirituality, etc.)

1.6.2. Acquire After activation, students will follow the directions on the blog to ensure proper fulfillment of critera. These will include, Location of Capital City, Photo or Video that highlights a key element of culture as described above, and rationale or reasoning as to why they have selected this culture to study.

1.6.3. Apply Students will then take to google maps and produce their own research maps that introduce their cultures in the way that was demonstrated by the teacher. They will post their completed projects via link to the blog comment section for review by the teacher.

1.6.4. Assessment Students will be formatively assessed to ensure proper selection of materials, and that critera have been fulfilled. This will then be added to the larger project for summative assessment at a later date.

2. Podcast Lesson Plan: The influence of music on mood in literature/storytelling/media.

2.1. Objectives: ELA Outcomes

2.1.1. Develop Understanding (1.2.1) Explain how new knowledge, ideas, experiences, and perspectives reshape knowledge, ideas, and beliefs.

2.1.2. Experiment with Language (2.3.4) Experiment with and use language, visuals, and sounds to influence thought, emotions, and behaviour..

2.1.3. Record Information (3.3.2) Synthesize and record information, ideas, and perspectives from a variety of sources; document sources accurately.

2.1.4. Enhance Artistry (4.2.4) Use effective language, visuals, and sounds, and arrange and juxtapose ideas for balance, effect, and originality.

2.1.5. Enhance Presentation (4.2.5) Use appropriate strategies and devices to enhance the impact of presentations.

2.2. Objectives: ICT Outcomes

2.2.1. Cognitive Domain

2.2.2. Affective Domain

2.3. Resources

2.3.1. Access to computer hardware or electronic devices

2.3.2. WIFI or Ethernet Access

2.3.3. Personal Student Google Account

2.3.4. Installed Audacity Software Program

2.4. Prerequisites

2.4.1. Knowledge of course materials, including text, charcters, plot elements, etc.

2.4.2. Ability to use Soundcloud to listen to, and comment on a work by users on said website.

2.5. Notes

2.5.1. It is presumed that the students have a decent knowledge of computer functions, internet access, grammar and punctuation, as well as a concept of the plot of the course material, "The Kite Runner."

2.6. Process:

2.6.1. Activate Students will be tasked with accessing the teachers blog, and will follow links to the teachers Soundcloud account. They will listen to the assigned file and prepare to respond to questions that will follow.

2.6.2. Acquire After listening to the activating sound clip, students will respond to the following question in the comment section of the website: "Discuss the music that was accompanying the spoken text; What emotions did the music evoke as you listened? Did your feelings change between the different examples? Why or why not?"

2.6.3. Apply Again, in the comment section of the blog, students will select a piece of text to read and suggest/propose accompanying music that will generate a desired effect for the listener. This proposal will be used in the next lesson to build upon skills acquired here allowing them to effectively implement them via online technology.

2.6.4. Assessment: Students will be formatively assessed on their ability to respond to the questions appropriately and to correctly identify the mood that is intended to be portrayed via the selected tracks.

3. Video Lesson Plan: How to create dramatic 'readers theatre' pieces that include music and sound for effect.

3.1. Objectives: ICT Curriculum

3.1.1. Cognitive Domain P-1.2 follows given plans Pr-2.3 solves problems, reaches conclusions, makes decisions, and/or proposes answers to questions by analyzing data/information and concepts using ICT devices and/or applications R-2.1 invites and shares constructive feedback, related to established criteria, to reflect on using ICT to learn

3.1.2. Affective Domain M-1.1 demonstrates confidence and self-motivation while doing ICT tasks alone and with others E-3.1 evaluates effects of personal ICT behaviour on others (The student will be tasked with selecting appropriate musical selections to effect the listener emotionally.

3.2. Objectives: ELA Curriculum

3.2.1. Combine Ideas (1.2.3) Consider ideas and information from multiple sources to identify their relative importance when generating and responding to texts; anticipate audience responses through a variety of means.

3.2.2. Experience Various Texts (2.2.1) Experience texts from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and cultural traditions; analyze various interpretations of texts to revise or confirm understanding of ideas and information.

3.2.3. Record Information (3.3.2) Synthesize and record information and ideas to determine focus or perspective of message; quote from or refer to sources as required; document sources accurately.

3.2.4. Enhance Artistry (4.2.4) Use effective language, visuals, and sounds, and arrange and juxtapose ideas for balance, impact, and originality, considering audience characteristics and needs.

3.2.5. Effective Oral and Visual Communication (4.4.2) Select and adjust appropriate voice and visual production factors to enhance audience understanding.

3.3. Resources

3.3.1. Access to computer with internet connection

3.3.2. Audacity software

3.3.3. Computer with microphone attachment or built-in microphone equipment

3.3.4. A specific story or piece of literature.

3.3.5. Music files to attach and edit into audacity recording.

3.4. Prerequisites

3.4.1. Ability to record audio using Audacity

3.4.2. Knowledge of the text and the context in which the text is to be delivered.

3.5. Notes

3.5.1. This lesson is designed to build upon the previous 'podcast' lesson by allowing students to use their reflections and observations to create their own piece of reader's theatre, which can enhance the reading of their current selected text via the use of music and sound. The students will be tasked with demonstrating an ability to add to their spoken word using software that has been covered in this ICT class.

3.6. Process

3.6.1. Activate Students will view the video linked on the teacher blog to learn how to create and layer sound and voice tracks using Audacity.

3.6.2. Acquire Students will then take the time to create their own podcasts with layered voice and music, and will publish their creations to soundcloud.

3.6.3. Apply From here, the students will post their soundcloud submissions to the comment section of the teacher blog for review. They will post, along with their links, an explanation of their reasoning behind the music that is affecting the mood of their spoken word.

3.6.4. Assessment Students will be formatively assessed on whether they have completed the layering of voice and music effectively, and that their musical selection matches the desired mood that they have attempted to convey.