Digital Citizenship: think before you click

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Digital Citizenship: think before you click by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship: think before you click

1. What is it?

1.1. media literate

1.2. 21 century

1.3. critical technological thinking

2. Unspoken Digital Rules

2.1. Known as 'netiquette'

2.1.1. respect others

2.1.2. respect yourself

2.1.3. respect intellectual property

3. Ethics

3.1. Good Play

3.1.1. Identity Unit: Self- Awareness

3.1.2. Privacy Unit: Digital Footprint

3.1.3. Ownership Unit: Respecting Creative Work

3.1.4. Trustworthiness Unit: CyberBulling

3.1.5. Participation Unit: Digital Life

3.2. Traits

3.2.1. respect

3.2.2. care

3.2.3. dignity

4. Other Considerations

4.1. Cyberbulling

4.2. Web Awareness

4.2.1. parents

4.2.2. teachers

4.2.3. students

4.3. Authenticity of Resources

4.4. Marketing

4.5. Copyrigt

5. Who needs it?

5.1. parents

5.2. students

5.3. teachers

6. Why is it Important?

6.1. learn safety

6.2. gain confidance

6.3. protect students

7. Themes

7.1. Digital Access

7.1.1. full electronic participation

7.2. Digital Commerce

7.2.1. electronic buying of goods

7.2.2. electronic selling of goods

7.3. Digital Communication

7.3.1. electronic exchange of information

7.4. Digital Literacy

7.4.1. teaching technology

7.4.2. learning about technology

7.4.3. understanding the use of technology

7.5. Digital Etiquette

7.5.1. electronic conduct standards

7.6. Digital Law

7.6.1. electronic responsibility for actions

7.7. Digital Rights & Responsiblities

7.7.1. everyone in digital world addressed discussed understood

7.7.2. right to privacy

7.7.3. free speech

7.7.4. used appropriately

7.8. Digital Health & Wellness

7.8.1. physical well-being eye safety repetitive stress

7.8.2. psychological well-being

7.9. Digital Security

7.9.1. electronic precautions virus protection backups of data equipment surge control