Childhood Obesity Epidemic

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Childhood Obesity Epidemic by Mind Map: Childhood Obesity Epidemic

1. Health Effected

1.1. Physical

1.1.1. Cancers

1.1.2. Diseases

1.1.3. Diabetes

1.2. Mental

1.2.1. Leads to Adult Obesity

1.3. Emotional

1.3.1. Teasing

1.3.2. Low Self-Esteem

1.3.3. Stigmitization

1.3.4. Altered Cognitive Performance

2. Maltreatment

2.1. Potential Cause of Obesity

2.2. How Child Abuse Leads to Self Destructive Behavior

3. Preventing/Correcting Obesity

3.1. Exercise

3.2. Encouragement

3.3. Role Models

3.4. Eating Right