Academy Law

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Academy Law by Mind Map: Academy Law

1. 1) Introduction to "The Law"

1.1. Statutes, Regulations, Case Law

1.2. Maryland's Justice System

1.2.1. Court Structure

1.2.2. Trial and Appellate Review

1.3. Criminal, Civil, and Administrative Liability

2. 3) Police Encounters (Seizures)

2.1. Accosting

2.2. Terry Stop

2.3. Arrest

2.3.1. Authority to Arrest

2.3.2. Elements of Arrest

2.4. Material Witness

2.5. Use of Force to Effect Seizure

3. 4) Searches

3.1. What is a search?

3.1.1. Plain View

3.1.2. Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

3.1.3. Community Caretaking Inventory Search

3.2. SSW Exceptions

3.2.1. Frisk

3.2.2. Incident to Arrest

3.2.3. Exigent Circumstances

3.2.4. Consent

3.2.5. Vehicle

3.3. Search Warrant

3.3.1. Content

3.3.2. How to Obtain

4. 2) Substantive Law (Crimes)

4.1. Elements of a Crime

4.2. Common Crimes

4.2.1. Crimes against Person

4.2.2. Crimes against Property

4.2.3. Crimes against Public (including CDS, weapons)

4.3. Attempt and Secondary Liability

5. 5) Investigations

5.1. Interrogations

5.1.1. Recording Statements

5.1.2. Miranda

5.2. Charging

5.2.1. Citation

5.2.2. Arrest Warrant

5.2.3. Commissioner

5.2.4. Summons

5.3. Evidence

5.3.1. Chain of Custody

5.3.2. Suspect Identification

5.4. Court Orders

5.4.1. Search Warrants

5.4.2. Writs

5.4.3. Subpoena

6. 6) Trial and Testimony

6.1. Effective Testimony

6.2. Motions and Trial

6.3. Case Folders

6.3.1. Discovery

6.3.2. Documentation