To What Extent Does Creationism Influence the Evolution Theory?

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To What Extent Does Creationism Influence the Evolution Theory? by Mind Map: To What Extent Does Creationism Influence the Evolution Theory?

1. Counter Arguments

1.1. God created everything even bacteria being unicellular cells.

1.2. The Evolution Theory is just a theory, there is no concrete evidence of evolution actually being real.

2. Arguments

2.1. We all originate from unicellular cells and then from multicellular cells.

2.2. Creationism is nothing but just hope and believing in God, there is no concrete evidence that God is real.

3. Sources

3.1. Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible by Jerry A. Coyne.

3.2. Why Evolution Is True By Jerry A. Coyne .

3.3. Exploring Christian Theology: The Church, Spiritual Growth, and the End Times By Bethany House Publisher.

3.4. Interview with Jerry A. Coyne, Ph.D. Professor. Department of Ecology and Evolution Biological Sciences Collegiate Division at the University of Chicago.

3.5. Interview with Susan Ross, PhD. Dr. Susan A. Ross is a Professor of Theology and a Faculty Scholar at Loyola University Chicago.

3.6. Were There Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark? An article about the creation museum in kentucky.