1.1. This paper analyses and shows the practice of English in Albanian schools. The students are proficient in English because they start studying it since elementary school and in order to keep up with the work they need to do really good, participate in class and also get socialized with the teacher. In the classroom environment they consistenly speak English and one way to fully control your second language is by speaking at all times and having discussions; as well as making speeches. As regarding to other languages Albanian students study a third language which is Italian. There is no pressure placed upon the children in using the second language. Words and phrases used by them may also be said in Albanian or Italian. If they make an error it is simply corrected. However getting mixed all these languages is difficult and to keep up with English is hard and often doesn’t get the amount of attention needed.
2. Conteh-Morgan, M. (2002). Connecting the Dots: Limited English Proficiency, Second Language Learning Theories, and Information Literacy Instruction. Journal Of Academic Librarianship, 28(4), 191.
2.1. This article summarizes two major language acquisition theories and ESL teaching methods derived from them, and discusses a library instruction model based on them They talk about making a connection through the language and other issues that impact ESL students. One way they can learn is through library and librarians. Librarians who teach students with limited English proficiency have discussed various barriers limiting effective learning such as language, cultural and technological issues. Social context is another huge impact where it refers to the general atmosphere of the learning environment, the classroom dynamics, opportunities for students and professors interaction. Their goal is to make students feel welcomed and non isolated in non ESL classes.
3. Chang, M. (2011). Helping the international student understand the American university. New Directions For Higher Education, (153), 21-24. doi:10.1002/he.422
3.1. For the majority of students, success in the American university classroom is the goal. There are ESL programs, which try to provide as many opportunities to learn about American culture as much as possible. In the article are shown ways and activities which help students explore culture as well as adapting to the society. Another program which is American English and Culture Program provides the opportunity for international students to become fully prepared for academic study at the university level, while building on their experiences of American as well as global community, communication, connection, and cooperation.
4. Negative
4.1. Discrimination
4.1.1. Having an accent or even speaking a broken English may stigmatize you and put you in a different category other from the rest. You may feel lonely and let down.
4.2. Expressing yourself
4.2.1. It's hard to express yourself as you cannot find the right words or expressions. As your native language is not English you have trouble in telling and showing what's really on your mind and what you have to say.
4.3. Native language
4.3.1. As you get to speak English you may forget your own native language. You get adapted to the new society and the new culture as your language fades away.
5. Fallin, M. (2014). America Works: Education and Training for Tomorrow's Jobs. Policy & Practice (19426828), 72(3), 28-36.
5.1. In the article we can tell how much are people putting effort in Americas education, leadership and preparing for a better future. Improving education and workforce is essential to ensure a bright future and to strengthen the states economy. America is no longer on top of the education ladder as it’s falling behind and not many students are graduating from colleges. Falling behind academically will continue to hurt businesses and the future economy. A high school diploma is no longer enough to guarantee a good career. As mentioned in the article governors are trying to strengthen education, partnership and leadership between state and workforce training systems. They are trying to create more opportunities for people by establishing a new and clearer vision of the future and meaning of success and requiring an academic and educational completion.
6. Carletto, C., Davis, B., Stampini, M., & Zezza, A. (2006). A Country on the Move: International Migration in Post-Communist Albania. International Migration Review, 40(4), 767-785. doi:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2006.00043.x
6.1. Post- communist Albania experienced many changes as people immigrated all over the world for better opportunities. The article shows that most of the people aimed for the neighbor countries such as Greece and Italy but the majorty part went further and targeted the US and Canada. The main reason was unemployment. As getting adapted to new societies Albanians have always been stigmatized. But unfortunately schools in the migrated countries which I mentioned before have the largest Albanian number as they try to pursue a better education which is going to lead them into investing in their own future.
7. Briguglio, C. (2000). Language and Cultural Issues for English-as-a-Second/Foreign Language Students in Transnational Educational Settings. Higher Education In Europe, 25(3), 425-434. doi:10.1080/03797720020016051
7.1. International students who Immigrate to a foreign country for a better education, experience many difficulties as regarding to language and other cultural issues. They have different approaches to learning and assessment tasks, difficulty with experiential teaching methods and different expectation of the role of lecturers. However tutorials and many helpful sources are provided for the students. ‘University of Technology’ is amongst the four largest Australian providers of tertiary education to international students, as they also undertake research into the needs of non-English- speaking and international background students. International students stick to themselves as the locals stick to themselves as well, and that there’s not much mingling between them. Even though there is such difference and gap between culture and languages many are trying to conquer the inbetween barrier.
8. Roucek, Joseph S. (1958). The Sovietization of Albanian Education. Slavic and East European Journal, 16, 55-60.
8.1. One of the issues faced by Albanian society was the communist control. School were all cotroled by the state as they followed Marxist-Leninist example. Albania had the highest illiteracy rate in Europe during the early 20th century but soon they would know how to read and write. The task of an Albanian teacher was to educate youth to hate the instigators of a new imperialistic war and the Anglo-American Imperialists. As they would teach Russian as a second language and not English or any other one. They injected the hate according to the Soviet Union example as to love your Motherland and not other enemies. Political views were mixed up with education.
9. Positive
9.1. Lifestyle
9.1.1. As you learn more new words you get to know the culture itself and it effects your way of thinking as well as your way of life such as style, likes, vision for the future etc.
9.2. Opportunities
9.2.1. English opens many doors for you and as a possessor you may get many job opportunities, internships, and possibilities of a decnt careeer since you're bilingual.
9.3. Connections
9.3.1. You get to know people from all around the world who speak English and have the same interests as you. You make connections with them regarding to jobs or even friendship and social interaction.