1. Intellectual Disability
1.1. Defining Intellectual Disability
1.2. Significantly below average intellectual function
1.2.1. Emphasize the student's strengths
1.2.2. Demonstrate what you mean along with giving verbal directions
1.2.3. Give immediate feedback
1.2.4. Break tasks into smaller steps
1.2.5. Involves the student in group activiies or clubs
2. Autism
2.1. Wendy Chung TED Talk
2.2. A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction
2.2.1. Provide a consistent schedule of activities
2.2.2. Use visual aids when possible
2.2.3. Demonstrate concepts when possible
2.2.4. Avoid using long verbal instructions
2.2.5. Emphasize the student's strengths and interests
2.3. Case Study: Tommy
3. Deaf-Blindness
3.1. Simultaneous hearing and visual impairments
3.1.1. Bond with the student
3.1.2. Create safe environment so the student feels safe to learn
3.1.3. Support from an orientation and mobility specialist
3.1.4. Develop communication
3.1.5. Make learning functional
3.1.6. Hearing aids/Corrective lenses, depending on severity of impairment
3.2. Case Study: Matthew
4. Deafness
4.1. Rachel Kolb TEDx
4.2. A hearing impairment so severe that a child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing
4.2.1. Hearing aids/Cochlear implant, depending on severity of impairment
4.2.2. Use visuals when possible
4.2.3. Communication support (sign language)
4.2.4. Dictation software to take notes for student
5. Developmental Delay
5.1. Signs of developmental delay at age 2
5.2. A delay in physical or cognitive development, communication, social or emotional development, or behavioral development
5.2.1. Be consistent with classroom routines
5.2.2. Use predictable procedures
5.2.3. Provide a visual timer for activites
5.2.4. Minimize distractions
6. Emotional Disturbance
6.1. An umbrella term used to describe a variety of disorders, including: anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, conduct disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, and OCD
6.1.1. Emotional Disturbance Disorders vary considerably, but some intervention and modification strategies include: Support the students inclusion in class activities Set behavioral rules and expectations for the entire class Recognize the student's accomplishemnts Encourage organization routine Break down assignments into smaller steps
7. Hearing Impairment
7.1. A permanent or fluctuating impairment in hearing
7.1.1. Improve listening conditions/reduce background noise
7.1.2. Use visuals to assist when necessary
7.1.3. Use captions on videos
7.1.4. Amplification system/favorable seating assignment
7.1.5. Offer note taking assistance
8. Multiple Disabilities
8.1. More than one impairment occurring simultaneously
8.1.1. Allow partial participation
8.1.2. Find assistive technology that aids that students particular disabilities
8.1.3. Give hands-on opportunities to learn
8.1.4. Provide support services related to the student's disabilities
8.1.5. Encourage the student's independance
8.2. Case Study: Rolanda
9. Orthopedic Impariment
9.1. Severe orthopedic impairments, including congenital impairments and impairments caused by disease
9.1.1. Consider classroom accessability and layout
9.1.2. Provide any necessary special furniture
9.1.3. Allow the use of modified writing aids such as special writing boards or modified pens/pencils
9.1.4. Modify group activities to promote participation
10. Other Health Impairment
10.1. Having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment
10.1.1. Allow the student exemption from mandatory attendance policies
10.1.2. Provide extra time to complete tasks
10.1.3. Consider seating assignment, seat student near the teacher or a student mentor
10.1.4. Provide extra textbooks to keep at student's home
10.1.5. Establish communication with the student at home
11. Specific Learning Disability
11.1. Learning Disabilities, What Are the Different Types?
11.2. A disorder that manifests itself in the lack of ability to listen, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations
11.2.1. Break tasks into smaller steps
11.2.2. Give students extra time to finish tasks
11.2.3. Emphasize the students strengths
11.2.4. Allow students the use of technological aids (i.e. dictation software, tape recorders, grammar check software, etc.)
11.3. Case Study: Ellie
12. Speech or Language Impairment
12.1. Identifying Children with Specific Language Impairment: Behind the Science with Laurence Leonard
12.2. A disorder involving stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment
12.2.1. Targeted instruction
12.2.2. Provide extra response time
12.2.3. Provide visuals when giving instructions
12.2.4. Give students time to prepare their responses
12.2.5. Speech and Language therapist
13. Traumatic Brain Injury
13.1. An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment
13.1.1. Provide assistive technology based on the effects of the student's injury; consider large font books, audio recorders, or keyboards/pencils designed people with fine motor skill impairments
13.1.2. Simplify verbal and written instuctions
13.1.3. Introduce new concepts slowly
13.1.4. Encourage communication
14. Visual Impairment, Including Blindness
14.1. An impairment in vision that adversely affects a child’s educational performance
14.1.1. Provide Braille or large print/audio instructional materials, depending on severity of impairment
14.1.2. Consider supplementary lighting at the student's workstation
14.1.3. Be specific when mentioning spacial concepts (use 'left' or 'right' as opposed to 'here' or 'there')
14.1.4. Encourage independent learning when possible