Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by Mind Map: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

1. History of the affordable healthcare act

1.1. Medicaid

1.2. Medicare

1.3. When did it start

1.4. Obamacare

2. Affordable care act for mental healthcare

2.1. Substance and alcohol abuse

2.2. Psychiatric services

2.3. Eligibility Determination

2.3.1. who determines eligibility

2.4. Mental Disorders

2.5. Substance Use Disorders

3. Social aspects

3.1. Moral issues

4. Employer sponsored healthcare

4.1. Cost

4.2. Cost control

4.3. Health and Welfare Funds

5. The quality of healthcare for all

5.1. Medically Uninsured

5.2. Health Resource Allocation

5.3. Health Services Accessibility