The Year of the Hangman by Gary Blackwood

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The Year of the Hangman by Gary Blackwood by Mind Map: The Year of the Hangman by Gary Blackwood

1. Depth & Complexity Icons

1.1. Main Ideas Ch 1-3

1.1.1. Rebellious Teenager

1.1.2. Spoiled brat

1.2. Unanswered Questions Ch 5-8

1.2.1. Will Creighton follow through with his commitment to Franklin?

1.2.2. Will Creighton do well as a printer?

1.2.3. How will Creighton help Gower and Hale? Will he help them?

2. Reading Journal

2.1. Journal #1:

2.1.1. My mother would definitely hear an ear about this. Shipped off! And now acting as a poor scum like a rat on the streets. If I bore a weapon at this moment, I would act out. Wait what am I saying I must be a gentleman. Gentlemen are cunning and shrewd, so I must think this one out. Peter doesn’t seem on the smart side of things so I could probably use him for something. Plus, he’s huge. What would Gower do? Or what about Pierce? What would they do in these situations? Something brave, but ungentlemanly. But what is more important, staying a gentleman, or saving lives? Could I do both? Questions raced through my head like hummingbirds.

2.2. Journal # 2:

2.2.1. Creighton becomes a better person overall in chapters 16 and 17. This is because of the death of Dr. Franklin. He starts feeling guilty, and saying thanks more. He is also more willing to do work. Also, his loyalties have changed and now he is siding with the patriots. He is now going with Benedict Arnold to Fort Bute to give false information to Gower and find out where Washington is.

2.3. Journal # 3:

2.3.1. I feel like Creighton is half a a hero as the book ends. One reason is that he conquered his own disabilities to care and have any perspective of life besides wasting money and living lavishly. Although this is a great accomplishment, one is not a hero for saving and changing themselves, but for doing the same for another. You can argue that Creighton saved his father but what about everyone else? What about the revolution?

3. SWABS Ch #13

3.1. Somebody

3.1.1. Creighton

3.2. Wanted

3.2.1. to return to England

3.3. But

3.3.1. he was sent away to stay with his Uncle in the colonies

3.4. So

3.4.1. he starys with Ben Franklin and Sophie

4. Final Predictions

4.1. They are going to find a way to get Harry Brown out of prison

4.2. Harry Brown knows where Washington is and this will lead to a rebel victory

4.3. The rebels will retaliate and get smashed by the English

5. Details Ch 19-20

5.1. Arnold kills Gower in a duel

5.2. Gower sorta figures out Arnold and Creighton are spies

5.3. Fake information is passed to Gower

6. Setting Map

6.1. England

6.1.1. Tavern

6.1.2. Home

6.1.3. Execution

6.2. Ships Crossing Atlantic

6.2.1. Amity

6.3. Carolina: For the moment

6.4. Headed to Florida on the Amity

6.5. Revenge: A "rebel" ship

6.6. New Orleans

6.6.1. Benjamin Franklin's House

6.6.2. The Cabildo

6.7. Florida

6.7.1. Pensacola

6.7.2. Mobile

7. Character Map

7.1. Creighton Brown

7.1.1. Charlotte Brown: Mom Colonel Gower: Brother

7.1.2. Harry Brown: Father

7.2. Sir Edward Lyndon: Gentleman Suitor

7.3. Lieutenant Hale

7.4. Captain Pierce

7.5. Benedict Arnold: General of the Continental army

7.6. Peter: Crew member of the Revenge / Big and Slow

7.7. Sophie: French Girl Staying with Franklin

7.8. Benjamin Franklin

7.9. Jean Billouart: Thief in the Stockades

8. Vocabulary List

8.1. Chapters 1 - 14 Test date: 10/29

8.1.1. transgressions idle subversive indignant amiably indentured rancid peevishly rotund demure mundane indignant sacrilegious cryptic morbid antagonize indentured shrewd raucous infernal