Mini Detached Youth Work #2

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Mini Detached Youth Work #2 by Mind Map: Mini Detached Youth Work #2

1. Relationships

1.1. Friendships

1.2. Trust

1.3. Respect

2. Locality

2.1. Parks

2.2. Local hangouts

2.3. Skate parks

2.4. shopping malls

3. Comfort

3.1. Privacy

3.2. Truth

3.3. Disclosure

4. Boundaries

4.1. Social media

4.2. Laws

4.3. Friendships

5. Informal education

5.1. Mobile youth programs

5.2. Group work

5.3. Youth activities

5.3.1. Emancipation

6. Conversations

7. Making contact

7.1. Doesn't have an office