Game Ideas

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Game Ideas by Mind Map: Game Ideas

1. Rewards

1.1. Points

1.1.1. Banana Peel

1.2. Lives

1.2.1. fishnets

1.3. Additional Time

1.3.1. Dirty cigarette butts

2. Short Term Goals

2.1. Reach Point A

2.1.1. raspberry

2.1.2. truck

2.2. Kill all the Monsters

2.2.1. crop duster pesticide spray

2.2.2. dumb talking computer sounds

2.3. Collect survival gear

3. Increase Challenge Incrementally

3.1. Speed increases

3.2. Enemies multiply

4. Long Term Goal

4.1. Save the Hero

4.2. Beat the clock

4.2.1. somalia

4.3. Make it to Oz

4.3.1. japan

4.3.2. dustbowl

5. Resources

5.1. Map

5.2. Health

5.3. Weapons

6. Player Growth

6.1. Skill

6.1.1. Employee

6.1.2. Employee

6.2. Levels

6.2.1. Employee

6.2.2. Employee