Courseware For Learning

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Courseware For Learning by Mind Map: Courseware For Learning

1. Phases of Instruction

1.1. Introduce & Present Information (Content/Skill)

1.2. Guide Learner in Using Content/Skill

1.3. Practice Content/Skill

1.4. Assess Learning

2. Methodologies for Facilitating Instruction with Educational Technology

2.1. Tutorials

2.2. Hypermedia

2.3. Drills

2.4. Simulations

2.5. Educational Games

2.6. Tools and Open-ended Learning Environments

3. Characteristics of Major Methodologies

3.1. Tutorials

3.1.1. Learner is guided through initial use of information/skill

3.2. Hypermedia

3.2.1. Encyclopedias/Reference Sources

3.2.2. Student projects in which students create hypermedia/multimedia projects

3.2.3. Visual museums

3.2.4. Virtual field trips

3.3. Drills

3.3.1. Used for unsuitable purposes

3.3.2. Keeps record of students performances

3.3.3. Boring for teachers & students

3.4. Simulations

3.4.1. Models phenomena/activity

3.4.2. Advantages

3.5. Educational Games

3.5.1. Examples

3.5.2. Factors in games

3.5.3. Advantages

3.5.4. Potential Disadvantages

3.6. Tools and Open-ended Learning Environments

3.6.1. Examples

3.6.2. Advantages

3.6.3. Potential Disadvantages