
Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

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Courseware by Mind Map: Courseware

1. Tutorials

1.1. Present new information, stimulate prior knowledge, and guide student through skills

1.1.1. Introduce and present information

1.1.2. Guide the learner in using content/ skills

1.2. e.g Khan Academy

2. Hypermedia

2.1. Collections of texts, images, audio files, videos

2.1.1. • Introduce and present information e.g Wikipedia

2.2. e.g Wikipedia

3. Drills

3.1. Provide practice/ improve speed and accuracy

3.1.1. Practice content/ skills

3.1.2. Assess learning

3.2. e.g digital flashcards

4. Simulations

4.1. Interactive activity/ model

4.1.1. Introduce and present information

4.1.2. guide the learner in using content/ skills

4.1.3. Practice content/ skills

4.1.4. Assess learning

4.2. e.g flying a jet simulator

5. Tools and Open-Ended Learning Environments

5.1. Discovery, exploration, problem solving

5.1.1. Phases of instruction vary

5.1.2. advantages/ disadvantage

5.2. e.g MindMeister

6. Educational Games

6.1. Motivational/ applicable games

6.1.1. Guide the learner in content/skills

6.1.2. Practice

6.1.3. Assess Learning

6.1.4. advantages/disadvantage

6.2. e.g logic and puzzle games