Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

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1. Advocacy

1.1. Non Radial

1.1.1. Youth workers use non-radical when they support young people to ensure their rights are upheld

1.1.2. ensure procedural rights are upheld e.g institution processes. etc.

1.1.3. young people need support to gain entitlements because systems are complicated and difficult to negotiate

1.1.4. Youth having issues because they are ignorant

1.1.5. Youth workers role to assist young person in getting what they deserve or are legally entitled to

1.1.6. Maximise young persons benefits legally and in institutions

1.2. Radical

1.2.1. Focus on young peoples rights

1.2.2. speaks out about laws and procedures

1.2.3. Young people as marginalised due to unjust social systems, marginlaisation

1.2.4. existing procedures may produce an unjust result

1.2.5. young people marginalised by society

1.2.6. Role of youth worker to expose inequality and rid of bureaucratic and legal biases

1.2.7. Development of Group campaigns to promote reform

1.3. Advocacy by the youth worker

1.3.1. Seeks sto provide young people with areas they need assistance with, for example, education, accommodation, employment, health etc. (Finalayson).

1.3.2. Allows youth to be educated about their legal rights & set goals and prioritising

1.3.3. Disadv: it can reduce ones self esteem and feel a sense of vulnerability & become dependent on youth worker.

1.4. Self Advocacy

1.4.1. Youth workers can provide support for young people

1.4.2. Assist with making their decisions

1.4.3. Disadv: Outcome may not be successful due to lack of knowledge a young person may have

1.4.4. A young person advocates for themselves with the help of a youth worker.

2. Empowerment

2.1. Negative labelling

2.1.1. Stereotyping

2.1.2. Can occur in school, in families and or peer groups

2.2. Opression

2.3. Non-radical

2.3.1. Youth worker acts as a resource

2.3.2. Young people dont hold enough power

2.3.3. Young individuals need to be given more control over their lives

2.3.4. Young people are capable of making own decisions

2.3.5. Can be achieved if young person is assisted to become more powerful

2.4. Radical

2.4.1. Youth worker supports young person to overcome barriers and examine own plans

2.4.2. Society is unjust and controlled by upper class

2.4.3. Youth Workers should help young people obtain skills instead of advocate

2.4.4. Youth are seen as one group disempowered

2.4.5. Youth Workers maximises young persons abilities

3. The Process of Youth Work

3.1. Priority Setting and Youth Work

3.1.1. Evaluation Summarative Evaluation Concerned with measurement of outcomes Accountability Formative evaluation To improve our understanding so we can improve what we do seeks to understand what has happened why something has worked or hasnt worked If something has worked or not Responding and how to respond in situations with more than one outcome Reflection: What can be done differently

3.2. Cirriculum as Process

3.2.1. Role as Informal educator For young people to learn and find themselves and their place in the world It is not an educative process but it does provide protection for young people Adapt what they do to meet the needs of the particular group they working with Respond in different ways Flexible and must be adjusted to suit different terms How to challenge Conversations that invite young people to look differently Develop programs and environments that expose young ppl to enlarge their experience

3.3. Cirriculum as a Product

3.3.1. Formal Educators

4. Communication

4.1. Active listening

4.2. Use of Questions

4.3. Prepare for Project Closure Meeting

4.4. Observation

4.5. Giving Feedback

4.6. Features of a conversation

4.6.1. nature of discussion Feelings and needs Reflecting on what you say

4.6.2. Committment Build trust

4.6.3. Being open

4.6.4. Trust

4.7. Informal Counselling

4.8. Conscious awareness

5. Becoming a Youth Worker

5.1. Detached Youth Work

5.1.1. Make contact with young people in public places or in areas where young people congregate Essays / Articles Books

5.1.2. It was developed because some young people who might benefit were not attracted to youth centres or youth clubs. Textbooks Essays / Articles Theses

5.1.3. Outreach workers purpose of outreach work is to attempt to engage young people in youth programs or youth activities.

5.1.4. Audio / Video

5.1.5. Lecture notes

5.2. Informal Education

5.2.1. involved in a number of projects and activities

5.2.2. Meet people from different local areas, therefore how you engage differs

5.2.3. e.g how we interact with people outside of work socially is more informal than people at work

5.2.4. Be aware of actions as workers and how the particular environments we find ourselves in affect our work.

5.2.5. reflecting on how well we relate to others enables us to develop our practice.

5.2.6. The first interventions we make when building a relationship with another person can be difficult.

5.3. Making Contact

5.3.1. Ability to form a good relationship with young people is a vital skill

5.3.2. Learn to make contact with young people in unstructured situations.

5.3.3. Youth workers should try to gain clues about how the young person is feeling by reading their body language and their non-verbal communication.

5.3.4. Be conscious of own non-verbal communication.

5.4. Fear of Rejection

5.4.1. Shyness is often motivated by fear of rejection

5.4.2. Everyone feels it at the beginning.

5.5. Boundaries

5.5.1. When & Where Date Time Place

5.5.2. Form Oral Written

5.5.3. Type Multiple choice Essay Calculations Open-ended questions Close-ended questions Close-ended questions

5.5.4. Number of questions

5.5.5. Special instructions from lecturer

5.5.6. Grading and emphasis

6. What is Youth Work?

6.1. Definition

6.1.1. Beassnt, Watts & Sercombe (1998) Definition The practice of engaging with young people in a professional relationship in which: 1. The young person are the primary constituency and the mandate given by them has the priority. 2. The young person are understood as social beings whose lives are shaped in negotiation with their social context. 3/ The young person is dealt with holistically

6.1.2. Australian Youth Affairs Coalition Definition "Youth work is a practice that places young people and their interests first" Youth work is an empowering practice that advocates for and facilitates a young person's independence, participation in society, conntecness and realisation of their rights. "Youth work is a relational practice, where the youth worker operates alongside the young person in their context"

6.2. Perceptions

6.2.1. Support young people in the community

6.2.2. Overloaded with cases

6.2.3. Similar to social workers

6.2.4. Provide resources for young people

6.2.5. underprivileged kids

6.2.6. misjudged

6.3. How they can help

6.3.1. Family conflict Family Support Worker: Helps with families who are experiencing financial, relationship or other difficulties.

6.3.2. Homelessness & Emergency accommodation Accommodation: Assists young people with living arrangements e.g Hostels, shared housing, independent accommodation.

6.3.3. Sex and relationships

6.3.4. Education and finding a Job

6.3.5. Problematic alcohol or drug use Drug and Alcohol: Youth Workers who provide support to young people with their drug and alcohol problem e.g rehabilitation, counselling, health services

6.3.6. Sexuality and gender identity

6.3.7. Sexual assault or abuse

6.4. What do youth workers do

6.4.1. Video

6.4.2. Advocate

6.4.3. Build a trusting relationship with young people

6.5. Who are considered youth workers

6.5.1. Professionals who help young people

6.5.2. responsibility to respect confidentiality

6.5.3. Focus on young person

7. Models of Youth Work

7.1. Treatment Mdoel

7.1.1. Defines young people as deviant, mad or deficient

7.1.2. Young people need to conform to be accepted into society

7.1.3. All individuals in society adhere to the standards of behaviour

7.1.4. Promote good citizenship and conventional lifestyles

7.1.5. Young people are part of the Juvenile system because of their behaviour

7.1.6. Juveniles need to be reshaped to fit in society

7.2. Reform Model

7.2.1. Young individuals are socially disadvantaged due to their environment and upbrining Due to this, itll make them an outcast in society

7.2.2. Some minor changes may be necessary to improve conditions for the disadvantaged

7.2.3. Ensure social stability by supporting and encouraging equality of young people

7.2.4. Youth workers require skills in motivation, rapport and ability to identify young peoples needs

8. Circle of Courage

8.1. Therapeutic approach for most troubled young children

8.2. Background

8.2.1. Developed in U.S and worked with young people who were labelled as 'deviant and troubled

8.3. RAP System

8.3.1. Core of the Circle of Courage

8.3.2. Able to connect with youth to build trust

8.3.3. Collaborate with young individuals to identify issues and challenges

8.3.4. Acts to restore harmony

8.4. Main Principles

8.4.1. Belonging (Attachment)

8.4.2. Mastery (achievement)

8.4.3. Independence (Autonomy)

8.4.4. Generosity (Altruism)