Partnerships / Funding

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Partnerships / Funding by Mind Map: Partnerships / Funding

1. Funding Partners

1.1. Google

1.2. Microsoft

1.3. HP Foundation

1.4. Sarah Andersen

2. Technology Partnerships

2.1. Mind Meister

2.2. PBwiki

2.3. Apple

2.4. Handhelds

2.4.1. CoVision

2.4.2. Cell phones Twitter SMS

2.5. Google

3. Technology Needs

3.1. Laptops

3.1.1. For production

3.2. Smart Phones

3.2.1. photos

3.2.2. video

3.2.3. blogging

3.2.4. SMS

3.3. Software

3.3.1. for production

3.3.2. SMS polling?

3.4. Production volunteers

3.5. Digital StoryWeaving Mentors

3.6. Serivces

3.6.1. SMS Polling?

4. Events

4.1. Wed night Donor reception

4.1.1. @ Museum

4.1.2. Donors

4.1.3. Women of Distinction

5. Exhibitors

5.1. Nintendo