Research Paper Writing

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Research Paper Writing by Mind Map: Research Paper Writing

1. Three

1.1. Outline

1.1.1. Make outline

1.1.2. Organize Example: I. Current band members:

1.1.3. Write first draft

2. Four

2.1. Write

2.1.1. Write, and write, and write

2.1.2. Revise outline and draft

3. Final

3.1. Type final draft

4. One

4.1. Topic

4.1.1. Choose topic Example: My topic is the rock band RED.

4.1.2. Find information Example: RED's current guitarist is Anthony Armstrong. Armstrong has been playing PRS [Paul Reed Smith] Guitars since the late 1990.

5. Two

5.1. Thesis

5.1.1. Brainstorm

5.1.2. Write one sentence thesis