Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

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Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life by Mind Map: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

1. Nucleotides

1.1. Polynucleotides

2. Polysaccharide

2.1. Starch

2.2. Glycogen

2.2.1. triacylglycerol

3. Disaccharide

3.1. lactose

3.2. sucrose

4. Monosaccharide

4.1. Glucose

4.2. Fructose

4.3. Ribose

5. Macromolecules

5.1. Lipids

5.2. Carbohydrates

5.3. Nucleic Acids

5.4. Proteins

6. Nucleic Acids

6.1. DNA

6.1.1. Double Helix

6.2. RNA

7. Carbohydrates

7.1. Glycosidic Linkage

8. Organic Compounds

9. Deoxyribose

10. Cellullose

11. Polymer

11.1. Monomers

11.2. Chitin

12. Dehydration Reaction

12.1. Hydrolysis

13. Amino Acids

13.1. Polypeptides

14. Proteins

14.1. Enzymes

14.1.1. Catalyst

14.2. Chaperonin

15. Lipids

15.1. Fat

15.1.1. Fatty Acids Unsaturated Saturated

15.2. Phospholipid

15.3. Steroid

15.3.1. cholesterol

16. Protein Structure

16.1. Primary

16.1.1. Disulfide Bridge

16.2. Secondary

16.2.1. Alpha Helix

16.2.2. Beta Sheets

16.3. Tertiary

16.3.1. Globular Stucture

16.4. Quarternary

16.4.1. 3 dimensional

17. Denaturing

17.1. Proteins

17.2. Amino acids

17.2.1. peptide bond

17.2.2. Purines

17.2.3. Pyrimidine

18. Functional Groups

18.1. X-ray Crystallography

19. Hydrophobic Interactions

19.1. interaction with Water