My Foundations Of Education

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My Foundations Of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations Of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

1.1. PROGRESSISIVISM/ Pragmatisism

1.1.1. Generic Notations: Pragmastism (instrumentalism and experiementalism)

1.1.2. Key Researchers: John Dewey

1.1.3. Goal of Education: Social Order- balance the order between society and the community as well the needs of the individuals (students)

1.1.4. Role of the Teacher: democratic and student centered

1.1.5. Method of Instruction: students learn in groups and individually and use the problem solving or inquiry method

1.1.6. Curriculum: Integrated (one subject/ idea is used in all subject matters-math, science, reading, etc.)

2. Equality of Opportunity

2.1. Educational Achievement and Attainment for Women

2.1.1. Less likely to drop out

2.1.2. higher level reading proficiency

2.1.3. Better in writing

2.1.4. MORE women are attending post-secondary institutions

2.2. One Response to Coleman Study

2.2.1. 1966- James Coleman did a study that observed the relationship between the organizational characteristics of schools and student achievement.

2.2.2. One part of the study concluded that where an individual goes to school has little effect on his or her cognitive growth.

3. Politics of Education

3.1. Conservative View

3.1.1. William Graham Sumner/ Social Darwinsim

3.1.2. Only the fittest survive/ groups and individuals need to adapt to change in social environment and human progress is dependent individual initiative

3.1.3. free market and market economy of capitalism

3.2. Traditional Vision

3.2.1. general representation of education

3.2.2. views schools are necessary to the transmission of the traditional values of the U.S.

3.2.3. examples: hard work, family unity, and individual intitative

4. Schools as Organizations

4.1. State Senator of Alabama: Jefferson Sessions and Richard Shelby

4.2. House of Representatives of Alabama: Bradley Byrne, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Gary Palmer, Terri Sewell

4.3. State of Alabama Superintendent: Thomas R. Bice

4.4. Representative on State School Board: Dr. Cynthia McCarty

4.5. Superintendent of Limestone County Schools: Tom Sisk

4.6. School Board of Limestone County: Mr. Charles Shoulders, Mr. Marty Adams, Mr. Bradley Young, Mr. Earl Glaze, Mr. Bret McGill, Mr. Edward Winter, Mr. Anthony Hillard

4.7. England's Education System compared to the United States

4.7.1. England has a national curriculum

4.7.2. England has national testing

4.7.3. England: All children get the same education no matter what the economic status or other factors

4.7.4. United States has a standard curriculum which implements a Common Core (which is not adopted by all states.

4.7.5. United States has Standardized testing for all grade levels with little deviation for disabled students

4.7.6. United States does not offer equal opportunity for students in education. It is based on geographic location and the economical status of individuals

5. Curriculum and Pedagogy

5.1. Historical Curriculum:

5.1.1. Developmentalist Curriculum needs and interests of the students Based off of John Dewey's progressivism philosophy Romantic progressivism

5.2. Sociological Curriculum

5.2.1. Modern Functionalist Theory

5.2.2. Goes along with John Dewey's notion that the role of the school is to help prepare students to play important parts and contribute to society

5.2.3. Curriculum changed to meet the needs and requirements of the modern world.

6. History of U.S. Education

6.1. Reform Movement

6.1.1. Common School and the Industrial Revolution

6.1.2. the road to secular paradise was through education/ most people were illiterate

6.1.3. free public education (Horace Mann) normal schoo

6.2. Historical Interpretation of U.S. Education

6.2.1. Committee of Ten/ The National Education Association/ Carnegie Foundation

6.2.2. 1896: Plessy vs. Ferguson

6.2.3. 2002: The No Child Left Behind Act

7. Sociological Perspectives

7.1. Theoretical perspective between school and society

7.1.1. Ideas about Facts/ Persell's book Education and Inequality/ the use of sociology for teachers

7.1.2. "How does society look in it's most basic form?" theory an integration of all known principles, laws, and information pertaining to a specific area of study

7.1.3. Functional: picture of society that stresses the interdependence of the social system. Conflict: society is economical, political, cultural, and military powers. Interactional: critiques and extensions of the functional and conflict perspectives.

7.2. 3 Effects of schooling on individuals that have the greatest impact on student

7.2.1. Knowledge and attitudes

7.2.2. employment

7.2.3. education and mobility

8. Educational Inequality

8.1. Functionalists vs. Conflict Theorists

8.1.1. Understanding Educational Inequality is difficult

8.1.2. Functionalists- schooling process will produce unequal results, but results should be based on individual differences of students and not groups

8.1.3. Conflict theorists believe the role of school is to reproduce rather than focus on inequality, concerned with equality of opportunity and results

8.2. School Centered Explaination

8.2.1. teachers and teaching methods

8.2.2. curriculum, ability grouping, curriculum tracking

9. Educational Reform

9.1. School Based Reform

9.1.1. Teacher Education

9.1.2. Teachers must be effective by being dedicated

9.2. Political Reforms

9.2.1. A Nation at Risk

9.2.2. No Child Left Behind Act: 2002

9.2.3. Race to the Top: President Obama