Music Video Indie-pop Genre

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Music Video Indie-pop Genre by Mind Map: Music Video Indie-pop Genre

1. Camera

1.1. Extreme close ups showing the emotion of the artist

1.2. Close ups

1.3. Medium Shots

1.4. Long Shots

1.5. Tilts

1.5.1. Lots of movement throughout

1.6. Pans

1.7. Establishing Shot

1.8. Handheld shot

2. Mise-en-scene

2.1. Bright Colours

2.2. Lots of iconography

2.2.1. A variety of props are used throughout

2.3. Lively locations

2.4. Artist miming along with lyrics

2.4.1. Can be a mixture of narrative and performance aspects

2.5. Close Proxemics

2.5.1. There is a very friendly atmosphere

2.6. High key lighting

2.6.1. Creates the bright atmosphere

2.7. A large mixture of costumes

2.7.1. The costumes often match the location for example if they were at the beach they would be wearing beach-wear

3. Editing

3.1. Filters

3.2. Fast paced editing

3.3. Slow paced editing

3.3.1. depending on the pace of the song

3.4. Jump cuts