Genre: Indie Folk Codes and Conventions

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Genre: Indie Folk Codes and Conventions by Mind Map: Genre: Indie Folk Codes and Conventions

1. Editing Techniques

1.1. Ambient lighting is often used in order to soften the atmosphere of the music video

1.2. Jump cuts to continue the narrative in the same or a different set of locations

1.3. Fast and Slow paced editing to match the tempo of the song

2. Sound

2.1. Use of acoustic instruments such as piano and guitar

2.2. Most indie folk music videos feature the main artist lip-synching to the non diegetic music

3. Cinematography Conventions

3.1. Close-up shots are often used in the indie folk genre in order to interpret a deeper meaning i.e close up shot on lips for lust

3.2. Midshots and longshots to establish the relationship between characters through proxemics.

3.3. Establishing shots to introduce location

3.4. Plenty of camera movements i.e pans and tilts

3.5. Possibly POV shots to relate to the main protagonist

4. Mise-En-Scene

4.1. Most indie folk artists wear clothing that is neutral in colour i.e browns and taupes. Others wear more formal attire like suits and dresses.

4.2. Soft and relaxed locations, often involving nature

4.3. Proxemics are most often close between characters as the atmosphere of the indie-folk genre is usually relaxed and intimate

4.4. Iconography that holds a significance to the narrative of the music video or the protagonist.