Areas of Success & Improvement
by Daniel Haywood
1. We worked well together as a team which is evident in our minimal amount of takes, storyboard production, editing and successful completion of our preliminary task within the deadline
2. Our planning was by far the largest area of success for our group in my eyes; We managed to allocate time for each phase of production, schedule our filming router, and by the time we finished planning we knew exactly what we wanted to do, when we were going to do it and what equipment we would need in order to do that. If it wasn't for the successful cohesion within our team when we were in the planning phase, our preliminary task would not have been as polished and successful.
3. Finally, another area of success that stands out for me personally are the shots we managed to capture and the collective group cohesion that was required in order for us to capture interesting footage; Several shots that we think turned out to look fantastic on screen were actually planned, and couldn't have been done so without a good group dynamic and collective enthusiasm to create an interesting preliminary project.
4. Success
5. Improvement
6. In terms of improvement, it is quite difficult to point out any large mistakes or problems we'll aim to avoid during the main task. Some minor things were present however; such as the lack of knowledge within our group about the title creation. We did struggle at first as none of us were familiar with how to create one properly, however upon asking a teacher we were soon underway with creating an interesting title sequence. So due to that, it is now a problem we'll now be able to avoid during the main project.
7. Another minor problem which we faced during the actual filming was the predicted amount of time it would take to shoot each scene; There were some scenes which we foresaw as only taking half a lesson actually ended up taking far longer which did push back our shooting schedule back a few lessons. Fortunately we had prepared for such a scenario during the planning stage and had left some free time during the final week of production just in case something did overflow. In order to combat this during the main task we shall do the same thing during the planning phase and prepare for anything taking longer that we thought it would.