how to succeed

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how to succeed by Mind Map: how to succeed

1. Planning for Success  :  Imagine succeed. Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge " . The more clearly and accurately its success, the easier it is for the rest of himself to move forward imagines . In the same way engineers first imagine and then build a bridge , which may be the engineer of their success ,

2. performance:  Run your small goals , focusing on their main objective . Not find reasons to procrastinate. Jump headfirst into the challenge and start chipping away . You never know what problems will arise before entering the arena . Break your goal into small steps. Is the goal of creating a technology company seems impossibly unattainable ? Divide it into smaller goals . Focus on streamlining their idea ; then focus on getting funding; then move on to building a prototype, etc. If you have the vision to attack your target piece by piece , it is easier and less intimidating to run .

3. remaking:  Do not make excuses. Not rationalize their failure by placing the blame on someone or something else . OK when something is your fault. This will help you identify what needs to change to improve . One excuse after failure is a failure to improve the situation. Learn from your failures. Every failure is an opportunity to learn. If you make a mistake and refuse to learn, odds are you going to make the same mistake at some point in the future. If you make a mistake and learn from it , do not waste your time making the same mistake again.