Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC)

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Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC) by Mind Map: Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC)

1. Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale (VABS)

1.1. Can be used to help diagnose and evaluate the special needs of students

1.1.1. Essays / Articles

1.1.2. Books

1.2. Focuses on the measurement of the adaptive behaviour, including the ability to cope with environmental changes, to learn new everyday skills and to demonstrate independence

1.2.1. Textbooks

1.2.2. Essays / Articles

1.2.3. Theses

1.3. Purpose is to assess the social abilities of an individual, whose age ranges from preschool - 18 years

1.4. Can assist in diagnosing various disabilities, including autism, Asperger syndrome, mental retardation, and speech impairement

1.5. 5 domains: communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills and mal adaptive behaviour domains

2. Who uses it?

2.1. Includes teacher and parent rating scales, self-report of personality, a structured developmental history and a student observation system

2.2. Used mainly by registered psychologists but is also used by pediatricians, psychiatrists and school psychologists

2.3. Users must have adequate professional qualifications and have specific training in using BASC

3. What's it For?

3.1. A multi-method, multi-dimentional approach to evaluating behaviour and self-perception of children ages 2 years, 6 months to 18

3.1.1. Oral

3.1.2. Written

3.2. Designed to facilitate differential diagnosis and educational classification of a variety of emotional and behavioural difficulties and aid in the design of a treatment plan

3.2.1. Multiple choice

3.2.2. Essay

3.2.3. Calculations

3.2.4. Open-ended questions

3.2.5. Close-ended questions

3.2.6. Close-ended questions

3.3. Number of questions

3.4. Special instructions from lecturer

3.5. Grading and emphasis