Chaos (Kaos)

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Chaos (Kaos) by Mind Map: Chaos (Kaos)

1. Ouranos (Sky)

2. Tartarus (var x = cave like space under the earth)

3. Gaia (Earth)

4. 12 Titans 1st Gen

5. Koios [god of intellect]

6. Koios [god of intellect]

7. Hyperion [high sun god]

8. Iapetos [god of mortality]

9. Theia [goddess of brightness]

10. Rhea [mother of the gods]

11. Mnemosyne [goddess of memory]

12. Phoebe [moon goddess]

13. Tethys [river goddess]

14. Kronos [harvest god]

14.1. Leader of the titans after castrating his father

14.2. Ruled during the Golden Age

15. Three Cyclops

15.1. Odyssey

16. Three Hecatonchires

16.1. hundred-handed giants of even greater power than the Twelve Titans

17. Helios [Sun]

18. Selene [Moon]

19. Eos [Dawn]

20. 2nd Gen Titans

21. Lelantos [Air and the Unseen]

22. Leto [mother (twins) Apollo and Artemis]

23. Asteria [Falling Stars]

24. 2nd Gen Titans

25. 2nd Gen Titans

26. Atlas [upholder of the Earth]

27. Prometheus [Foresight; the creator of mankind]

28. Epimetheus [Aftersight]

29. Menoetios [Anger/Rage]

29.1. the first word of the Iliad is a cognate, menos

30. Erinyes (Furies)

31. the Giants

32. Meliai

33. Aphrodite (the goddess of love/sex)

34. sea deities, nymphs, and monsters

35. Proteus / Nereus

35.1. Odyssey

36. Nereids

36.1. the fifty nymphs of the sea, the most famous of whom was Thetis, the mother of Achilles, hero of the Iliad.

37. Hades (god of the underworld)

38. Poseidon (god of the sea)

39. Typhon

40. Apollo

40.1. purportedly a god of prophecy, the arts, and the sun, his name Apollon means “plague”

41. Artemis

41.1. goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and fertility

42. Zeus+Leto

43. Maia

44. Hermes (the messenger of the Olympian gods)

45. Ourea (Mountains)

46. Pontus (Sea)

47. Erebus (Darkness within x)

48. Eros (The urge to reproduce)

49. Nyx (Mother of Night)

50. 2 (Erebus+Nyx)

51. Hemera (Day)

52. Aither (Light)

53. Oceanos [sea god]

54. Themis [goddess of divine law]

55. 2nd Gen Titans

56. Metis [Prudence/Wisdom]

57. Krios [god of constellations]

58. 2nd Gen Titans

59. Astraeus [Wind]

60. Pallas [War]

61. Perses [Destruction]

62. Kronos+Rhea

62.1. Kronos swallowed each of the children she bore to him

62.2. Rhea then managed to trick Kronos into vomiting up his other five children

63. Hestia (goddess of the hearth and domesticity)

64. Demeter (goddess of fertility)

65. Hera (goddess of women and marriage)

65.1. mindful of a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him (as he himself had overthrown his father Ouranos)

66. Zeus (god of thunder)

66.1. escaped being swallowed

67. Athena

67.1. Athena burst forth from Zeus’s forehead, fully armed.

68. Zeus+Themis

69. Three Horae (the Hours)

70. Eunomia (Order)

71. Dike (Justice)

72. Eirene (Peace)

73. Tyche (Prosperity)

74. Eurynome

74.1. daughter of Oceanus and Tethys

75. Three Graces

75.1. goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility

76. Persephone

76.1. was later to marry Hades, Zeus’s brother.

77. Nine Muses

78. Clio (History)

79. Clio (History)

80. Thalia (Comedy)

81. Melpomene (Tragedy)

82. Terpsichore (Dance)

83. Erato (Lyric Poetry)

84. Polyhymnia (Choral Poetry)

85. Urania (Astronomy)

86. Calliope (Epic Poetry)

87. Zeus+Hera

88. Hebe (cupbearer of the gods)

89. Ares (god of war)

90. Enyo (goddess of war)

91. Hephaistos (the lame blacksmith and craftsman of the gods)

92. Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth and midwifery)

93. Zeis [affairs]

94. Danae

95. Perseus

96. Leda

97. Helen of Troy

98. Clytemnestra (a central figure in Aeschylus’s Oresteia)

99. (twins) Castor and Pollux

100. Alkmene

101. Herakles

102. Dodekatheon

102.1. (“the Twelve,” i.e. the principal Olympian gods

103. Zeus

104. Hera

105. Poseidon

106. Demeter

107. Athena

108. Apollo

109. Artemis

110. Ares

111. Aphrodite

112. Hephaistos

113. Hermes

114. Hestia

115. Doom, Dreams, Destinies, Blame, Old Age, Hardship, and Deceit

116. Thanatos (Death)

117. Hypnos (Sleep)

118. Moirai (Fates)

119. Nemesis (Retribution)

120. Hesperides (Daughters of Night)

121. Eris (Discord)

122. Semele

123. Dionysus, god of intoxication and ecstacy

124. Demeter