Note Taking

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Note Taking by Mind Map: Note Taking

1. Note taking software

1.1. Evernote

1.1.1. can be used on a phone as well for notes whilst not by a computer.

1.2. Microsoft OneNote

1.3. GTDTiddlyWiki

1.3.1. wiki format for organizing schedule, notes, etc.

1.3.2. web based and free

2. Styles

2.1. Cornell Method

2.1.1. Pros Columns can help with identifying key words and simplifying ideas into your own words notes will appear organized rewriting may force note takers to fully comprehend material

2.1.2. Cons May not work for people who have a hard time listening and writing at the same time. a lot of repetition in some areas

2.2. Mind Mapping

2.2.1. Pros may be useful for visual learners better suited as a review style rather than an actual note taking method.

2.2.2. Cons too involved to do during an actual lecture hard to pre determine map headers before lecture. can be confusing

2.3. Stenography (Shorthand)

2.4. Charts/tables

2.5. audio recordings

2.6. outlining

2.7. computer

3. tips

3.1. use main ideas

3.2. supporting points

3.3. key terms, people, dates, solutions

3.4. research ideas you don't fully comprehend at a later time.

3.5. find an organizational system that works for you

3.6. keep notes separate for each class.

3.7. don't try to review everything at once. do it in short segments.

3.8. Study often, in small blocks.