Chapter 6 : Output
by s 5311560147

1. Display Devices
1.1. LCD monitor
1.1.1. Active-matrix display
1.1.2. Passive-matrix display
1.2. Plasma monitors
1.3. Digital television (DTV)
1.4. HDTV
2. Interactive whiteboards
3. Force-feedback game controllers
4. Tactile output
5. Printers
5.1. Ink-jet printers
5.1.1. Color
5.1.2. Black & White
5.2. Photo printers
5.3. Laser printers
5.3.1. High-quality
5.3.2. Color
5.3.3. Black-and-white
5.3.4. High-speed
5.4. Thermal printers
5.4.1. Thermal wax-transfer printer
5.4.2. Dye-sublimation printer
5.5. Mobile printers
5.6. Label and postage printers
5.7. Plotters
5.8. Large-format printers
5.9. multifunction peripheral (MFP)
6. audio output device
6.1. Headphones
6.1.1. cover your head
6.1.2. placed outside of the ear
6.2. Earbuds
6.2.1. rest inside the ear canal