Aritificial Intelligence

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Aritificial Intelligence by Mind Map: Aritificial Intelligence

1. Deep Blue

1.1. Background / Development

1.2. Two matches

1.3. Processing Power or Actual Intelligence?

2. Robotics

2.1. What is robotics?

2.2. AI in Robotics

2.2.1. Examples PKD Android Robot Development Demonstration - use video General Examples Medicine Military Space Exploration

3. In the Future

3.1. Roko's Basilisk theory

3.2. What could happen? Using examples from today's games / movies

3.2.1. Portal Franchise

3.2.2. Fallout: New Vegas

3.2.3. Terminator - Skynet

4. History

4.1. Early - 1940s/50s

4.2. 70s+

4.2.1. Statistical

4.2.2. Knowledge Based

5. Natural Language Processing

5.1. Interactions between computers and human

5.2. Siri / Cortana etc

5.2.1. Personal Assistant - organisation etc

6. Machine Learning

6.1. What is it?

6.2. Benefits

6.2.1. Medicine

6.2.2. Natural Language Processing

6.2.3. Gaming

6.2.4. Search Engines

7. Introduction

7.1. What is AI?

7.2. What are the goals?

7.2.1. Reasoning

7.2.2. Planning

7.2.3. Learning

7.3. Can machines think?