Computer Security and Safety, Ethic, and Privacy

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Computer Security and Safety, Ethic, and Privacy por Mind Map: Computer Security and Safety, Ethic, and Privacy

1. Ethic

1.1. Computer Ethic

1.2. Intellectual property rights

1.2.1. copyright

1.3. IT code of conduct

1.4. Green Computing

1.5. Information Privacy

1.6. Cookies

1.7. Spam

1.8. Fair Credit Report Act

2. Society

2.1. Social Engineering

2.2. Employee Monitors

2.3. Content Filtering

2.4. Web Filtering Software

3. Computers

3.1. Risks

3.1.1. internet & network attacks

3.1.2. cybercrime

3.1.3. software theft

3.1.4. information theft

3.1.5. system failure

3.1.6. hardware theft

3.2. Safe

3.2.1. Backup

4. Health

4.1. Issues

4.1.1. Hand Repetitive Strain injury:RSI Carpal Tunnel syndrome:CTS Computer Vision syndrome:CVS

4.1.2. Eye Eyestrain

4.2. Preventions

4.2.1. Ergonomics

4.2.2. Computer Addiction

4.2.3. use large fonts

4.2.4. adjust the lighting