Simple Machines

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Simple Machines by Mind Map: Simple Machines

1. Work

2. power

3. mechanical advantage

4. 1st class lever

4.1. A lever where the fulcrum is in the middle so the weight and energy are moving

4.1.1. A lever with the fulcrum in the middle of the weight and energy A See-Saw

5. 2nd class lever

5.1. a lever where the fulcrum is at one end of the lever and you push on the other end so the weight is in the middle

5.1.1. when the fulcrum is one one end the weight is in the middle because you are pushing on the other end

6. 3rd class lever

7. incline plane

7.1. a plane that is inclined to a any angle other than 40 degree angle

7.1.1. any ramp other than one with a 40 degree angle A ramp

8. wedge

9. screw

10. wheel and axle

10.1. A wheel with an axle holding it in the middle allowing it to spin around the axle

10.1.1. A wheel with an axle holding it up in the middle so the wheel can spin around and not touch the ground A Farris wheel

11. pulley