Communication between genders

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Communication between genders by Mind Map: Communication between  genders

1. Men

1.1. Bonding

1.1.1. Doing activities

1.1.2. Achieving goals

1.2. Confusion

1.2.1. Don't know what kind of talk women want

1.2.2. Doesn't know the value of a good conversation to women

1.3. Conversation duties

1.3.1. Belives in showing the othersides to stories Solution Listen Acknowledge

1.3.2. Believes the listener noise should be to a minimum

1.4. At home

1.4.1. Nothing to prove

1.4.2. No one to defend

1.4.3. Free to stay silent

1.5. Not in touch with there feeling enough

2. Women

2.1. Bonding

2.1.1. Sharing secrets

2.1.2. Having long conversations

2.2. Confusion

2.2.1. Misinterpret signs Silence Lack of eye contact Switching topics

2.2.2. Doesn't know when a man is listening

2.3. Conversation duties

2.3.1. Believes the listener should agree and support Solution Communicate clearly about any issues Compromise

2.3.2. Believes listener should acknowledge them regularly

2.4. At home

2.4.1. Free to talk

2.4.2. Won't offend anyone

2.4.3. No worries

2.5. Not assertive enough