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Global health in curriculum создатель Mind Map: Global health in curriculum

1. Assessment

1.1. Aligned with experience

1.2. Types of assessment

1.2.1. Presentation

1.2.2. Interview Experience Reflection

1.2.3. Report

1.2.4. Portfolio 360 degree feedback on workfloor

1.2.5. Reflection

2. As elective

2.1. When interested

2.2. When curriculum allows study abroad: compulsory course

3. In curriculum

3.1. Awareness of context

3.1.1. e.g. Hans Rosling data

3.1.2. epidemiology of particular diseases

3.1.3. disease as a global problem

3.2. Awareness of right to health

4. Quality Standard

4.1. Ethical point view

4.2. Assessment of student

4.3. Evaluation of the internship by student