Operating Systems and Utility Programs

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Operating Systems and Utility Programs by Mind Map: Operating Systems and Utility Programs

1. Operating systems

1.1. Operating System Functions

1.1.1. Single user and multiuser

1.1.2. Single tasking and multitasking

1.1.3. Foreground and background

1.1.4. Preemptive multitasking

1.1.5. Multiprocessing

1.2. stand-alone operating system

1.2.1. Windows Vista Windows Vista Home Basic Windows Vista Home Premium Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Vista Business

1.2.2. Mac OS X

1.2.3. UNIX

1.2.4. Linux

1.3. Server Operating Systems

1.3.1. Windows Server 2008

1.3.2. UNIX

1.3.3. Linux

1.3.4. Solaris

1.4. embedded operating system

1.4.1. Windows Embedded CE

1.4.2. Windows Mobile

1.4.3. Palm OS

1.4.4. iPhone OS

1.4.5. Blackberry

1.4.6. Embedded Linux

1.4.7. Symbian OS

2. utility program

2.1. file manager

2.2. search utility

2.3. image viewer

2.4. uninstaller

2.5. disk defragmenter

2.5.1. Defragmenting

2.6. backup utility

2.7. restore utility

2.8. screen saver

2.9. personal firewall