Curricula & Instruction: Use "Teach for Understanding" principles.

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Curricula & Instruction: Use "Teach for Understanding" principles. by Mind Map: Curricula & Instruction: Use "Teach for Understanding" principles.

1. What should I teach?

1.1. Curriculum Objectives

1.2. Vocabulary

1.3. State Standards

2. What is understanding?

2.1. Students can:

2.1.1. Explain

2.1.2. Interpret

2.1.3. Apply

3. How do I know the students have learned?

3.1. Formative Assessment

3.1.1. Observations

3.1.2. Exit Slips

3.1.3. Think - Pair - Share

3.2. Summative Assessment

3.2.1. Unit Tests

3.2.2. End of Course Exams