Codes and Conventions of Indie Music Videos

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Codes and Conventions of Indie Music Videos by Mind Map: Codes and Conventions of Indie Music Videos

1. Location

1.1. Usually on a stage

1.2. Secluded area

1.3. Out in the wild or open

1.4. Just plain background in a room

2. Narrative story

2.1. Shows two or more characters in the video relation to the lyrics.

2.2. Or it's one of the band members doing the narrative of the video.

3. Band related things

3.1. Maybe merchandise shown in the video

3.2. Guitars, Drums, any other instruments

4. Black and White filters

4.1. Creates a theme to the video

5. Shows the band performing

5.1. Maybe on a stage where we see the band and audience

5.2. Or others are seen performing as the band

6. Mis-en-scene

6.1. Clothes such as Black Jeans, Band t-shirts

6.2. Natural lighting in the video