Impact of emerging technology

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Impact of emerging technology by Mind Map: Impact of emerging technology


2. Negative

2.1. Using technology can change a child’s brain

2.2. Using technology can affect a child’s ability to empathize

2.3. Improper use of technology can expose a child to numerous risks.

2.4. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and technology may be to blame

2.5. Workplace

2.5.1. Job Elimination

2.5.2. Electronic Leash

3. Positive

3.1. Education

3.1.1. Reaserch is easier

3.1.2. Educational Games

3.1.3. Distance Education

3.1.4. Web Seminars

3.2. Communication

3.2.1. Keep in touch

3.2.2. Overcoming Disabilities

3.2.3. Reaching Broader Audience

3.3. Business

3.3.1. Speed

3.3.2. Accuracy

3.3.3. Competition

4. Holographic features

4.1. Holographic display is a type of diffraction-based display technology that reconstructs the light field of a three-dimensional scene in space with coherent light

4.2. True 3D

4.3. Multiple copies

4.4. Full-colour or monochrome formats.

4.5. Easy viewing

4.6. Portable and durable

4.7. Reliable archives

4.8. Practical Applications:

4.8.1. Architecture

4.8.2. Construction/Engineering

4.8.3. Goverment solutions

4.8.4. Consumer

4.8.5. Medical