Simple Machines

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Simple Machines por Mind Map: Simple Machines

1. Mechanical advantage

1.1. Actual Mechanical Advantage

1.1.1. Output force over the input froce

1.2. Ideal Mechanical Advantage

1.2.1. Input distance over output distance

2. 1st class levers

2.1. Hammer

2.2. Scissors

3. Incline Planes

3.1. Ramp

3.2. Slides

3.3. Hill

4. Screw

4.1. Lightbulb

4.2. Wine Bottle Opener

4.3. short slender sharp-pointed metal pin

5. Wheel and Axle

5.1. Car

5.2. Door knob

5.3. A simple lifting machine using a rope that unwinds from a wheel

6. 2nd class levers

6.1. Wheelbarrow

6.2. Bottle Opener

6.3. Nut Cracker

7. Wedge

7.1. Axe

7.2. 3rd class levers

7.2.1. Tweezers

7.2.2. Staple Removers

7.3. Pickaxe

7.4. A wood or metal having one thick edge and a tampering thin edge

8. Pulley

8.1. Flag pole

8.2. ziplines

8.3. crane

8.4. A wheel with a groves rim which a cord passes