Input/output devices for GED subjects

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Input/output devices for GED subjects by Mind Map: Input/output devices for GED subjects

1. Output of device #1: Smart Board-enlarged problems for all to see, gives students an outlet to do problems aloud and on board, Software such as GED Academy, GED Interactive, GED scoreboost are compatible with SMART Board.

2. Output of device #2: Computers, programs such as GED Academy and GED Interactive. GED programs assist student with the 5 GED subjects and with practice GED tests. Software.

3. Output of device #3: Texas instrument calculators. Students can input numbers from math, science and social studies numerical studies into calculator and recieve answers

4. Input device #1: Smart Board Hardware

5. Input device #2: computers-Lenovos-hardware

6. Input device #3: Calculators