Computer specifications depending on processing power and speed

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Computer specifications depending on processing power and speed by Mind Map: Computer specifications depending on processing power and speed

1. Supercomputers

1.1. Fastest computers available

1.2. Reserved for single, extremely complex calculations

2. Mainframes

2.1. Multiple processors

2.2. Processing power much greater than that of PCs

2.3. Serving many users at the same time

3. Desktop computers (PCs)

3.1. Low-end, cheap PCs

3.1.1. Casual games

3.1.2. Web surfing

3.1.3. Mail checking

3.1.4. Text editing

3.1.5. Web surfing

3.2. Mid-end

3.2.1. Video editing

3.2.2. Gaming

3.3. High-end

3.3.1. Heavy gaming

3.3.2. Heavy video editing and picure rendering

4. Micro-computers

4.1. Lowest processing power

4.1.1. Processing power may vary

4.2. Mobile phones

4.3. Ticketing machines

5. Hey, how do I check my computer specifications?

5.1. My Computer->Right click->Properties

5.2. 1. Windows key 2. Pause key

5.3. 1. Right click on My Computer 2. Select Manage 3. Select Device Manager