Online Learning Leadership Flowchart

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Online Learning Leadership Flowchart by Mind Map: Online Learning Leadership Flowchart

1. Teachers

1.1. Online Grading

1.1.1. Jupiter Grades

1.2. Social Networking (Professional/Personal)

1.2.1. School App Tip Line

1.2.2. Google Plus

1.2.3. Facebook

1.2.4. Twitter

1.2.5. School Website

1.3. Online Learning

1.3.1. Kahn Academy

1.3.2. iReady

1.3.3. Achieve 3000

1.4. Professional Organizations

1.4.1. HSTA

1.4.2. NEA

1.5. Collaborative Workspaces

1.5.1. Google Apps

1.5.2. Web 2.0 Tools

2. Administrators

2.1. Online Grading

2.1.1. Jupiter Grades

2.2. Social Networking (Professional/Personal)

2.2.1. School App Tip Line

2.2.2. Google Plus

2.2.3. Facebook

2.2.4. Twitter

2.2.5. School Website

2.3. Online Learning

2.3.1. Kahn Academy

2.3.2. iReady

2.3.3. Achieve 3000

2.4. Professional Organizations

2.4.1. HSTA

2.4.2. NEA

2.4.3. NASSP

2.4.4. HGEA

2.5. Collaborative Workspaces

2.5.1. Google Apps

2.5.2. Web 2.0 Tools

3. Parents/Community

3.1. Online Grading

3.1.1. Jupiter Grades

3.2. Social Networking (Professional/Personal)

3.2.1. School App Tip Line

3.2.2. Google Plus

3.2.3. Facebook

3.2.4. Twitter

3.2.5. School Website

3.3. Online Learning

3.3.1. Kahn Academy

3.3.2. iReady

3.3.3. Achieve 3000

3.4. Collaborative Workspaces

3.4.1. Google Apps

3.4.2. Web 2.0 Tools

4. Students

4.1. Online Grading

4.1.1. Jupiter Grades

4.2. Social Networking (Professional/Personal)

4.2.1. School App Tip Line

4.2.2. Google Plus

4.2.3. Facebook

4.2.4. Twitter

4.2.5. School Website

4.3. Online Learning

4.3.1. Kahn Academy

4.3.2. iReady

4.3.3. Achieve 3000

4.3.4. Keystone

4.4. Collaborative Workspaces

4.4.1. Google Apps

4.4.2. Web 2.0 Tools