Spanish Government (constitutional monarchy)

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Spanish Government (constitutional monarchy) by Mind Map: Spanish Government (constitutional monarchy)

1. Executive

1.1. Prime Minister

1.1.1. cabinet deputy prime minesters

2. Judiciary

2.1. Supreme court

2.1.1. The Supreme Court of Spain (Tribunal Supremo) is the highest judicial body in Spain. Composed of five chambers, it has cognizance of all jurisdictional orders and its rulings cannot be appealed, except to the Constitutional Court, when one of the parties claims that their constitutional rights have been infringed.

2.2. local/state court

2.2.1. First instance

2.2.2. Inquiry

2.2.3. Crimanal

2.2.4. Adminastrative

2.2.5. Social

2.2.6. Justice of the peace

2.2.7. Juvenile

2.2.8. Penitentiary surveillance

3. legislature

3.1. bicameral

3.1.1. The National Assembly(las Cortes Generales ) congress of deputies 350-members Senate 259 total

4. Monarch

4.1. Head of state