Brian's PLN

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Brian's PLN af Mind Map: Brian's PLN

1. Social Networking

1.1. Facebook

1.1.1. Chat, posts

1.2. Skype-cogley17

1.2.1. Chat/video conferencing

1.3. YouTube

1.3.1. Sharing videos

1.4. Twitter

1.4.1. Instant messaging

1.5. Qik

2. Profile

2.1. Mahara

2.2. Moodle

2.3. E-portfolio

3. E-mail

3.1. [email protected]

3.1.1. School

3.2. [email protected]

3.2.1. Personal

4. Information services

4.1. Diigo

4.1.1. Information storage

4.2. Evernote

4.2.1. Note taking

4.3. Blogs

4.4. Wikis

4.5. Google